MLeggett - I don't necessarily agree with your attorney. I used to live in a PUD. It was a PUD because it was designed and received govt approvals as such having a mix of SFR's, semi-detached, condo's, and even a mobile home park (it's owner had one vote). When contructed, it was required to have a recreation area (golf course), and there are other common areas.
As for the HOA, I used to be on the board. It is mandatory but the rules were written so poorly that there was no recourse available to the HOA for violators. It is still a PUD. Now the development is nearly sold out, the golf course was abandonded because of the high maintenance costs and its land was sold to the local municipality for rec use. With the exception of responsibility for about a 100 foot long sidewalk that is owned by the assn as well as two retention basins, the HOA serves no purpose and may be disolved if these areas can be deeded to the municipality as well. No dues have been charged for about five years due to a windfall received as part of a law suit with the mobile home park owner, and in fact there is a surplus of money sitting in the HOA acct earning interest. With no legal teeth in the by-laws and the possibility of eliminating the HOA, the development is still a PUD, isn't it?