Sorry for the delayed response------tough to surf the forum with interest rates below 6%!!!!!!!!!
I did make an error by stating "universally"----I do realize that all regions of the country are different. However, the last time I looked, the 1004 FNMA we ALL use states right on the form: "LIVING AREA ABOVE GRADE".
Around here, if FNMA does not count that area below grade as living area, neither do we. We merely compare finished/unfinished basement and make the adjustment.
Further, I continue to believe that there is a significant difference between one, two and three bedroom homes. A one bedroom home will suit a single or couple, unless mom, dad and the kids all sleep in the same room. A two bedroom home is good for mom and dad and one child, or two of the same gender. Of course, there will always be homeowners who think its' ok to let a teenage daughter and son sleep in the same room. I have found that three bedrooms are usually what a family will shop for, even if siblings are the same gender. Nowadays everybody wants their own room. (Not like when I was growing up) While I don't make a bedroom adjustment, I sometimes make a functional adjustment for 1 vs. 2 or 2 vs. 3 bedrooms. Not universal, of course, but just my technique.
How do you get away with counting below grade square footage in total GLA when doing FNMA work??
For Vern---
Not sure, but I believe you are confusing ZONING with BUILDING codes. To my knowledge, ANY structure build to house humans in the US must conform to building codes---if, for no other reason, safety. (Like the egress windows)
However, in many areas throughout the country, zoning is not enforced or not applicable. This is most common in rural areas. That's why in some rural areas appraiser's are driven crazy by a 20 room colonial built in an area mixed with trailers, one-room cabins, and medium sized ranchers, all on lots from 1/3 AC to 20 AC. Unfortunately, when an area is very rural, the building officials don't even bother looking for "new" construction, and amatuer builders put up whatever they darn well please.