Never seen anyone die from a old wood fence with peeling paint -
A lot of drama queens in this business
and my guess is its water based paint anyways. As lead based paint hasn't been used in most places in 50 to 60 years and it's very easy to tell the difference. I guess the new owners kid rides the short bus, and eats paint off old wood fences and the buyer has way more issues than the fence, they better hide the nails and put little Joey on a dog leech and keep him locked up inside
Is there still much lead-based paint in old buildings?
Somnk Mox
Exterior Painter, Specializing in Cliff Houses (1998–present)
Yes, and by old I mean painted as late as the early 1980s. Lead paint could still be found on store shelves until then, (with a warning label) and because of its durability was heavily favored by builders even past that point. We had a hard time letting lead base go, despite the health risks, because it is possibly the most durable and cheapest paint ever devised. That is why it was used virtually everywhere for everything until 1970, and remained in use well after the warnings were issued. So a house built as late as the early 80s may have lead paint on it.
The dry and cured lead paint on walls and trim pose no health risks if it’s undisturbed. It’s when you start sanding or scraping and creating small particles of it that it becomes dangerous. Once you start inhaling it in small particle form, the lead is absorbed into the blood stream, and then it’s there forever. Your body cannot process it, and after time it begins to cause problems.
It’s generally thought to be safer to try to seal the lead in with more paint than to remove it. In many buildings the lead paint is buried under layers of oil, then enamel and eventually latex paint. But lead test kits, available at paint stores, still pick it up. I work in lead houses frequently and that’s our policy, we will not sand or scrape, just clean and prime with synthetic shellac or oil primer. After everything is primed we lightly wet sand the primer and sometimes fill big holes with knife grade bondo. The wet sanding keeps us from breathing any lead dust that might escape. Water is a great way to neutralize lead dust, it turns it to mud and you can’t breathe mud, just don’t get it on your skin. Then we caulk, usually quite a bit, and paint. It’s a pain in the arse and expensive, as I must provide a new tvac suit, neoprene gloves and $50 dollar respirator for each painter present and seal off the area. The homeowners and all pets (especially cats!) must not be in the home while we are working. When we finish, the suits, respirators, and our clothes must be soaked in water and thrown away. And we have to file a mountain of paperwork to some local subset of the EPA, and sometimes pay fees, for the pleasure of doing all this.
Nearly every town in the US is dotted with vacant older homes because they are so expensive to rehab. These potential beauties sit empty, with 10 ft ceilings and intricate 12 inch trim, because of things like lead paint, ancient pipes and outdated wiring.
Answer (1 of 5): Yes. yes, yes. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. This is most true of older houses built well before 1978. The houses built in the early 1900’s as example. Lead paint was discontinued in 1976 and the disclosure laws that there “may” be lead based paint in the home apply to a...