George; under your "Pro's & Con's" I assume you are speaking of your interpretation of what YOU believe belongs or doesn't belong and cannot be found in "Standard 3" ??
As I reviewd the Standard it was not my understanding of what is being promoted there. Secondly, if the appraiser's name is blacked out, then a comment needs to be included in the "Review" which also includes the statement that because the appraiser's name was not provided, the Reviewer could not verify the "License and/or Certification" status of the appriaser.
I did not see anywhere in the context of "Standard 3" where it states that you are required to report anyone for anything, but that the "Assignment" given to the Reviewer is to clearly point out what type of "Review" is being ordered. Now on several reviews I've recently completed, there was specific language as to why the review was being ordered and those were the Rules I applied when doing the report. If one is specifically calling for a review, as their belief is, something fishy with the report, then I go into a different mind set, other than just a review for a review product.
Reviews are a wide & varied product and I believe each one is to address a specific issue. They are different from appraisals and require a different mind set and should not be used as a means of simply hammering the other guy/gal - they should be done with pride and improvement within our own industry.
My personal opinion; Reviews should be done in the right manner and used to keep our competition on it's toes; keep their report writting up to snuff; make them stay on top of their game; and make them better appraisers. After all if we create better appraisals & better appraiser's, perhaps the Lending Industry will have a greater respect for our profession. It will also force the slackers, to stay in context with better reports, as they will have to address the crtique provided by the reviewer and address the review appraiser's concerns in the report. There is a little area in which as a reviewer you get to control the report; accept or accept when items - XYZ - are corrected. If they don't make the corrections, you don't approve the report. :x
Lastly; if you get the same appraiser over & over and they do not improve the report product, by the third one, we should be able to recomend to the State that they need to complete a course or two on the issue's they seem to not understand. Self Improvement within the industry; a better way to go. 8)