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Revision Requests -having To Explain Peer Appraiser's Data In My Reports?

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Freshman Member
Jan 11, 2014
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Okay so revision requests have been getting worse over the years, and have been annoying but I’ve accepted that it’s just a part of the job now that AMC’s need their job security.

Anyhow in the past few weeks I’ve had some downright ridiculous requests. Such as “another appraiser used the same comparable XYZ and had a different GLA.” Okay fine I can see why they are questioning it, so I explained how and why my calculations are felt to be correct. So THEN they want me to state that in the report…that another appraiser had a different calculation and why mine is felt to be correct.

Again today I got a revision request (from a new client), because their usual appraiser uses larger GLA adjustments than I do ‘for my area’ (how much a difference I have no idea). Without losing my **** I explained that there is no one size fits all GLA adjustment ‘for my area’ various things such as neighborhood, style, quality, condition, age, size, etc. of the home will determine the proper GLA adjustment, which I already explained in the report how my adjustments were abstracted.
However they still want me to state in the report that a peer appraiser would typically use a larger GLA adjustment, but I chose not to…blah, blah, blah. I can’t even wrap my head around this one, I have not yet made the “revision.” Also this particular report had 5 good, recent comps with low net/gross adjustments; and only 2 of them needed a GLA adjustment for differences less than 200 Sq.Ft. So even if I had used 'larger' adjustments it would have not changed the outcome, and those 2 sales adjusted values would be out of sync.

It is one thing to add additional comments and explanations on MY work, but to have to compare my work with another appraiser’s based on vague information the client supposedly obtained is taking it too far.
Is this feedback coming from Fannie CU/ or is it from the lender client only?
... I explained that there is no one size fits all GLA adjustment ‘for my area’ various things such as neighborhood, style, quality, condition, age, size, etc. of the home will determine the proper GLA adjustment, which I already explained in the report how my adjustments were abstracted...

First of all, are you completing a second appraisal? Why is there another appraiser that happened to use the same comp? They could just be bluffing and trying to get you to increase the value.

Maybe they didn't read your comments or just missed them. In that case I would just highlight and bold and reference where to find it. I'd also ask for the other appraisal, but afterwards state that I could not comment on another appraiser's methology or thought process.
Is this feedback coming from Fannie CU/ or is it from the lender client only?

I suspect the one with differences in GLA calculations on the same comp may be been a Fannie CU because the request came several weeks later (and was probably flagged by the UAD dataset), I am not sure though. But the one where another appraiser uses larger adjustments than I do is a client only request.
First of all, are you completing a second appraisal? Why is there another appraiser that happened to use the same comp? They could just be bluffing and trying to get you to increase the value.

Maybe they didn't read your comments or just missed them. In that case I would just highlight and bold and reference where to find it. I'd also ask for the other appraisal, but afterwards state that I could not comment on another appraiser's methology or thought process.

No it's not a second appraisal, another appraiser must have used that same comp sale in a report they were doing on a different property. That's why it's so frustrating, they are comparing different property reports, done by different appraisers, and then want me to explain why the data/adjustments are not the same...probably because they are different properties being appraised by different appraisers.
It sounds like Fannie feedback sent through your client. I respond by saying since I have not seen the appraiser/peer's adjustments I can not comment on them, however my adjustments were derived from market extraction /paired sales and from using the most similar and recent comps available. (or similar verbiage)

If it makes you feel any better, the "other appraiser" is probably getting similar feedback regarding your adjustments being different.
It sounds like Fannie feedback sent through your client. I respond by saying since I have not seen the appraiser/peer's adjustments I can not comment on them, however my adjustments were derived from market extraction /paired sales and from using the most similar and recent comps available. (or similar verbiage)

If it makes you feel any better, the "other appraiser" is probably getting similar feedback regarding your adjustments being different.

Thanks, I really like your response. I was too frustrated to come up with something that wouldn't sound smart-assy right now.
No it's not a second appraisal, another appraiser must have used that same comp sale in a report they were doing on a different property. That's why it's so frustrating, they are comparing different property reports, done by different appraisers, and then want me to explain why the data/adjustments are not the same...probably because they are different properties being appraised by different appraisers.

I honestly think that many people who should know better think we all just have a Big Book of Adjustments we bought from someone, or share with each other along with a secret handshake, and that one size fits all. CU doesn't help dispel that myth.
I honestly think that many people who should know better think we all just have a Big Book of Adjustments we bought from someone, or share with each other along with a secret handshake, and that one size fits all. CU doesn't help dispel that myth.

I agree....

But playing devil's advocate here.....

Doesn't it seem "logical" that having the same data set, adjustments made by different appraisers would be nearly exact to one another?????

At least in the mind's of the general public.....
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