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Elite Member
Jun 27, 2017
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Surprising how many people have installed Ring. Then they join the Ring "Neighborhood Watch" and can easily post all the videos of the strange people who approach their door. Of course, there's plenty of the "Whoops sorry I need that UPS package, ... let me take it off your hands." Plenty of strange people knocking on the door, pushing and pulling on the knob to make sure the door doesn't accidentally open. ...

And of course the drive by appraisers. Apparently some people don't realize the loan they applied for requires a drive-by. So this guy gets recorded (motion detector) taking a picture of their home and up and down the street. They can't figure it out. So, they send out a notification to all of the neighbors - "Have you seen this guy? He's taking a picture of my house!!!"

I've seen a number of these, they come from around several communities. ... Get a Ring just for the Neighborhood Watch --- you might learn something useful. ...

So, you kind of get to know the drive-by appraisers.

Then some of us not only have a Ring, we have a Lorex System with a couple of hi-res 4K that can look up and down the street. The guy next street over has one on the top of his flagpole.

What's the world coming too? - And what is to stop someone from collecting all of these videos and putting them on a public website?
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I still have not gotten my Ring Pro to work.
Installed the Ring surveillance camera with light. Only problem is that it picks up the shadow activity of all the plants.
I wish I had gotten into the paranoia business 10 years ago.

I know people that are so scared of their own shadow that they have cameras recording to a cloud, ring doorbells, lights with motions detectors, multiple locks, and if that doesn't work, they have a house full of guns. And all are members of neighborhood apps where every person that they don't recognize gets their photo posted with an explanation of what they were doing wrong. lol. Usually their crime was walking around. Paranoia and fear sells. And the American people are buying.
I still have not gotten my Ring Pro to work.

Check the electric wires going to it and make sure they are delivering the right current and voltage; there might well be an issue with that.

Of course you need to get it connected to your WIFI.
Installed the Ring surveillance camera with light. Only problem is that it picks up the shadow activity of all the plants.

Go under Device->Motion Settings and change the Motion Zones and Motion Sensitivity. Set the motion zone to include areas where you expect activity you are interested in - such as around the front door and exclude places where there is activity that you are not interested in - such as the street. The structure of your house may be such that the best location of a doorbell does not equate to the best location of a video camera. In that case, unfortunately you might need to get an auxiliary camera. The advantage of Ring is the convenience of it creating all the clips only when relevant motion is detected, the "Neighbors Feed" which is great if there are a lot of people using Ring in your area.

Part of the reason I get these things - is that we are moving to the Internet of Things ---- and setting these up gets you into technology that will become more important as time goes on. It is a good exercise.

I also setup Lorex which has had for the past couple of years really good deals with its systems. My current system, which only has a 2 Terabyte DVR, can store up about 3 weeks of hi-res data from two cameras. It just writes over the oldest storage when it runs out of space. Now, I have it setup to run continuously, 24/7, although it colors are where there is activity and the software allows you to quickly scan through old video. It also stores the last 30 days on the cloud (extra storage) so my wife and I can see and review all activity
around the house when we are on vacation, - from our laptops, iPads or iPhones.

But, I have 3 daughters (one of whom only stays with us permanently) who all visit regularly, boarders and 4 barking dogs and we do go on two week trips to Europe or Singapore a couple of times a year.
I remember a real estate appraiser instructor telling the class to unplug the office computer because someone could still access it even though the power was off.
Surprising how many people have installed Ring. Then they join the Ring "Neighborhood Watch" and can easily post all the videos of the strange people who approach their door. Of course, there's plenty of the "Whoops sorry I need that UPS package, ... let me take it off your hands." Plenty of strange people knocking on the door, pushing and pulling on the knob to make sure the door doesn't accidentally open. ...

And of course the drive by appraisers. Apparently some people don't realize the loan they applied for requires a drive-by. So this guy gets recorded (motion detector) taking a picture of their home and up and down the street. They can't figure it out. So, they send out a notification to all of the neighbors - "Have you seen this guy? He's taking a picture of my house!!!"

I've seen a number of these, they come from around several communities. ... Get a Ring just for the Neighborhood Watch --- you might learn something useful. ...

So, you kind of get to know the drive-by appraisers.

Then some of us not only have a Ring, we have a Lorex System with a couple of hi-res 4K that can look up and down the street. The guy next street over has one on the top of his flagpole.

What's the world coming too? - And what is to stop someone from collecting all of these videos and putting them on a public website?

And, some still chase you down.:rof:Was doing a Liquidation/foreclosue appraisal last week, taking photos of Comps. Guy pulled up beside me and asked if I was taking a picture of his car??? I told him I was an appraiser taking pictures of house that had sold. He laughed and said OK. His damned car was more important than his house.:shrug:
Surprising how many people have installed Ring. Then they join the Ring "Neighborhood Watch" and can easily post all the videos of the strange people who approach their door. Of course, there's plenty of the "Whoops sorry I need that UPS package, ... let me take it off your hands." Plenty of strange people knocking on the door, pushing and pulling on the knob to make sure the door doesn't accidentally open. ...

And of course the drive by appraisers. Apparently some people don't realize the loan they applied for requires a drive-by. So this guy gets recorded (motion detector) taking a picture of their home and up and down the street. They can't figure it out. So, they send out a notification to all of the neighbors - "Have you seen this guy? He's taking a picture of my house!!!"

I've seen a number of these, they come from around several communities. ... Get a Ring just for the Neighborhood Watch --- you might learn something useful. ...

So, you kind of get to know the drive-by appraisers.

Then some of us not only have a Ring, we have a Lorex System with a couple of hi-res 4K that can look up and down the street. The guy next street over has one on the top of his flagpole.

What's the world coming too? - And what is to stop someone from collecting all of these videos and putting them on a public website?

unless your front yard is less than 10' deep an appraiser driving by, stopping, taking pics and note will not set it off. i bought and installed one last year for my parents, who love it, and what you are claiming simply isn't true. kinda like how you claim to smell cigarette smoke across an ocean...
We have the Ring device. I finally found out who was taking the whole bowl of halloween candy. You little monsters!
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