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Ross Perot's "giant Sucking Sound" Warning Proven Correct - Carrier

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I don't know who this should scare more, you or me.....

I voted for Perot too!!!!!

Really!!! :)

I believe you. Too many people bailed thinking it would be a wasted vote.

I do not think that will happen if Trump gets the nomination.
I believe you. Too many people bailed thinking it would be a wasted vote.

I do not think that will happen if Trump gets the nomination.

So far, I've never voted for any Clinton.
These shrinking industries coupled with the propaganda war that has been waged for 40 years that factory jobs are not good jobs is what got us here.
You can also thank Ronald Wilson Reagan for making union-busting honorable. Industrial unions helped ensure a level playing field enabling many to earn a middle class wage.

Anyone else notice he has 6 letters in his first, middle and last names? What does 666 represent?
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