From Res guy...
Ok..let's get all bias off the table. Let's talk market indicators here. Here's a hypothetical situation.
Market analysis, (SCA, etc) was done and fond that there was a reasonable range of value of $390,000 to $410,000, in which all points within that range were equally just as supported and probable. There was one property that was a pending sale which was identical in every way. The agents let him to measure it, do an interior inspection, and even allowed him to analysis the contract and all financing. The conditions of sale were completely in line with the conditions set in market value. Both agents were interviewed, including the seller. All typical buyer seller motivations, etc. The sale price was $405,000 with no concessions and typical financing, thus nothing affected the price. What a great indicator of value, wouldn't you agree??? The point value was narrowed to this great indicator @ $405,000. This price of this property is a good representation of a point value. A few days later, you found out that the contract changed to to $395,000. Since you based your point value on this property, why wouldn't you change your point value to $395,000???
WHY would you change it?