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Sending Wintotal reports via EDI

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Pam Cushway

Freshman Member
Jan 16, 2002
Does anyone have problems with EDI reports other than sending is extremely slow?
It told me yesterday it sent a report, although I have not received verification from my office that it was received. (I also sent it via regular email.)
This morning it told me it was configured incorrectly and I thought I fixed it but it still told me it was incorrect. I gave up after two attempts and went to send it via regular email.
I then saw at the top of the screen that EDI was sending something. According to that screen it was sending three? reports and the other screen was saying it could not send any reports. go figure
I have no idea what it sent or to where it went.
Any thoughts on this one?
I had similar problems with the alamode EDI system including a message being forever stuck in my mailbox. (Olympus version). I discontinued using the alamode EDI and went to using my regular email to send reports. No more EDI problems after that. I also didn't like that with alamode the "from sender" area on their emails displayed my alamode customer number to my clients, instead of my name. They had trouble spotting my reports with all the other email and I would have to resend. Alamode said that this would be corrected in the Athena version, although I have not bothered to try. It has been working flawlessly my way. :D

Steve H

I send only PDF reports. I create a PDF file, then attach to my e-mail. Works great.

PS The speed is directly related to your modem. Alamode has no control over that.

I got it to work last night although its slow. My modem sends them faster through regular email but they go to our server and need to go to proj2000.com so I have to use it.
I send to the same address each time but the address is not retained in the drop-down menu. I just don't trust it yet since the software is pretty sketchy at times with losing and duplicating comps etc.
I feel like they keep adding more useless forms rather than fix the bugs. I would rather have something less fancy and more dependable in the way of software to be honest.
I don't know about your current issues, but I send PDF's all the time in Athena and if I have problems, it is usually something I have done. I have been known to put in the wrong e-mail address before. Athena works great for me and I utilize most of its features. I have DSL and the reports sail through. If you have Athena, you need to keep your "contacts" up to date. If you type the e-mail address in the contact information, it will always be there in your drop down list. Also, the EDI center logs all your EDI transmissions, so you should have a record of everything you sent in your "sent" box. Anything waiting to be sent will be in your "outbox". I hope I have been helpful.
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