I wouldn't think anyone would think of the house as stigmatized. Perhaps it would help you to discuss the issue with "honorable" Realtors and other people whose opinion you value. Anybody that knows what happened, in my opinion, would be hoping to just get a good buy at someone else's expense.
By the way, How Much? :lol: We've been in Reno many times. My brother-in-law practiced law in Carson City for many years and lived much of the time in Reno. I love it there and have several friends who live there. One of them runs a horse boarding stable and the other is a professor at Univ. of Nev. at Reno (I think that's it?). Anyway, we have always said we would love a second home out that way!
In my opinion, the only stigmatized thing would be if something awful happened in or near the house itself. Even our local little town, several years ago a homeowner committed suicide in his (now vacant) home in a hall closet. A Realtor came along and showed the house and they all discovered him when she flung open the closet door. Of course, she did a pretty good job of getting the "lookers" to the front yard while she called the police, but even in this case, the house sold for pretty much what market value demanded and has never suffered a "stigma." When I was selling real estate (many years ago) only one time did I ever have anyone ask if anyone "died" in the home, as they had a fear of that.