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Stip to add specific comp to grid or a different comp within 1 mile of the subject

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At client request, they wanted a comparable included in final reconciliation. Revised report as noted in report. Please see comparable consideration as suggested by client in report. (note person requested in report).

Then, do final reconciliation in new report with new signature date and clearly labeled as REVISED REPORT.

If this is your best client? Don't play with them. Make them happy. You are already locked in. I already know from your posts.
I am going to gouge you a little. READ the certification you are signing and definition of value you are signing.

Make sure you have the defintion of Market Value source you are signing.

With me?

Many definitions of value are available to you.
You always appraise real property interests. Always. At least I do with the license I hold.
OP, I think I saw you posted this is an assignment with no AMC involved. You don't want to lose them.

They want two more comps? Give me a day or two. No problem. Keep your same opinion of value if at all possible. If you have to change the value, then do it, but I would highly recommend staying with your original appraised value.

You took into consideration these additional comparables, and these are the reasons they were given little to no weight in the final reconciliation of value.
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You have gave good reasons the comparables suggested should be given minimal weight in the reconciliation. Remember the principle of substitution.

Now, just do a new report ( Iabel it REVISION) in bold on top right corner of a 1004 if that is what you are using and new signature date and move on. Keep that good client.

I always put my Revision comments in bold and date them in the additional comments section on 1004. You can put them in revised report where your client wants you to put them. Just make your comments good. Label it revised report. Make that clear.

Go back and edit your comments on sales comparison approach. Add the comps in grid if that is what your client wants. (I probably would include in grid with huge adjustments based on your analysis provided already)

Your effective date of appraisal is not changing on a revised report. No need to label it a new assignment or disclose prior services.

I just label a revised report as "revision" in bold on one of the lines on top right corner of GSE forms.

That puts everyone that sees it on notice. Then I include my comments in the report somewhere as "Revision". I do it in additional comments section of GSE form 1004. You would have to change your sales comparison comments section also. No problem.

My "Revision" comment in additional comments section would be something like, Revision (05/27/2024) Additional comparable added or additional comparables added and additional analysis considered in sales comparison approach to value.
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In your case, it is more like an ROV since your client is requesting the additional comparables. There is nothing wrong with you including "at the request of appraiser's client" on your revised report. That gives credibility to your client also.
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It also gives liability to your client also. Whoever requested it is an employee of your client based on your posts.
so you never question your doctor or the mechanic fixing your whatever. when you looked in the dictionary for appraiser definition, did it say princess, questions not accepted.

the op stated uw wanted a sale on the grid...in that case the underwriter should sign the report :rof: :rof: :rof:
the op stated uw wanted a sale on the grid...in that case the underwriter should sign the report :rof: :rof: :rof:
The UW is employee of the client. This seems to be their very best client. I see no problem with it, especially since no AMC is involved.
The UW is employee of the client. This seems to be their very best client. I see no problem with it, especially since no AMC is involved.
B. No person is allowed to influence or attempt to influence the development, reporting, result, or review of an appraisal through coercion, extortion, collusion, compensation, inducement,intimidation, bribery, or any other manner including, but not limited to:

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