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Stip to add specific comp to grid or a different comp within 1 mile of the subject

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I don't pee in the bushes like Joan claimed. Where is Joan? I miss her.

Me and Joan could have a party today.

She won't go there. I hope your well with your life Joan Trice.

How thick is my skin? I wear like a triple e shoe.
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This is advocacy, not appraisal practice.
i believe that is called reconciliation. who are you advocating with the facts. do you understand the lending side of lending.
True but read what their comment refers to. There is a difference between, "requesting to consider" and "putting the sale on the grid because the client said so". Only the appraiser can call a sale a "comparable sale". By putting it in the grid, you are saying it is comparable. It better be or you are running afoul of USPAP.
Of course... but it's up to the appraiser to determine when an underwriter request is inappropriate and to have the stones to tell them 'No'.

You can't win in a battle with the client and... if you are actually an appraiser rather than a skippy... you are going to lose some clients during your career. Even if you are right, the time and money required to 'win' isn't worth it. And you still won't 'win'. The client will find a way to not require your services.
Of course... but it's up to the appraiser to determine when an underwriter request is inappropriate and to have the stones to tell them 'No'.

You can't win in a battle with the client and... if you are actually an appraiser rather than a skippy... you are going to lose some clients during your career. Even if you are right, the time and money required to 'win' isn't worth it. And you still won't 'win'. The client will find a way to not require your services.
Yeah, your client is feeling pressure from somebody. No reason not to say okay.

Many clients would tell you what is going on.

This is their best client.

Again, if at all possible, do not change your opinion of value. Your client is not issuing an ROV.
The OP has given many reasons already why the comp the client wants is not the most similar to the subject property. I am giving the appraiser the benefit of the doubt.

I know I am biased and hope the appraiser knows that market.
i believe that is called reconciliation. who are you advocating with the facts. do you understand the lending side of lending.
Some of us can develop, support, and defend our opinion of value without need to modify our opinion to escape the need, thereby misleading our clients and users of our reports. No longer being in lending, I don't need to understand the lending side of lending. I fully understand the appraising side of appraising, and know advocacy and unethical appraisal practice when I see it.
When appraisers are used, they often face revision requests from underwriters seeking clarification if their chosen comparables diverge from those preferred by the GSEs’ computer program, CU. This typically occurs when the GSEs’ algorithms suggest comparables closer in proximity to the subject property than those selected by the appraiser.

so, CU is advocating for whom, itself. although, as i have said before, CU comp choices can be head scratchers. the answer is simple. their stick is bigger than your stick. the lender doesn't need to ever use you again if you only tell them no. so somehow you educate them as to why that sale is not a comp. putting it into you report is not advocacy, it's survival. or in your case attach a letter to fannie in your handwriting that what they did is known advocacy and unethical appraisal practice when I see it, as you stated. all easy to exclaim, when retired. but i do respect your opinion & business decisions.
this profession has gotten harder enough without having to blow yourself up with the client.
When appraisers are used, they often face revision requests from underwriters seeking clarification if their chosen comparables diverge from those preferred by the GSEs’ computer program, CU. This typically occurs when the GSEs’ algorithms suggest comparables closer in proximity to the subject property than those selected by the appraiser.

so, CU is advocating for whom, itself. although, as i have said before, CU comp choices can be head scratchers. the answer is simple. their stick is bigger than your stick. the lender doesn't need to ever use you again if you only tell them no. so somehow you educate them as to why that sale is not a comp. putting it into you report is not advocacy, it's survival. or in your case attach a letter to fannie in your handwriting that what they did is known advocacy and unethical appraisal practice when I see it, as you stated. all easy to exclaim, when retired. but i do respect your opinion & business decisions.
this profession has gotten harder enough without having to blow yourself up with the client.
It is not survival to kowtow and grovel - we can easily explain to the client why the sale they sent, from CU or other source is not a comp. I have done it numerous times. i would not include a sale I did not consider a comp just because CU identified it -

However I have had a few instances where CU sent a sale I had to admit was a comp. In one case I simply did not find it, in another case I had found it and decided I did not not need it, but it was still an acceptable comp. In those cases, i included the sale and they did not affect the value.

Twice in my career, in the days before CU I was sent comps and including them did change the value. That was twice in 15 years ( that time frame )
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