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Suggestions needed for Limited Restricted

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Hurray, Hurray Pam!!!! You are much braver and (I admit) more knowledgeable than I. But I do learn so much from this forum - way to go guys!

Great job. I have just a few comments. Your report did not/does not have to be limited simply because you did not do one or more approaches to value. Also, if a sufficient scope of work is done it will allow you to do, should you desire it, a 1 page form or narrative report. Sometime in the near future we will see the Departure Rule as well as the naming of 2 types of appraisals and 3 types of reports go the way of the Dodo bird. They have never really been necessary to what we do, provided a sufficient scope of work, based on the intended use, and what intended users intend to do with our report are documented in a work file. As to the workfile, and according to 2 members of the ASB who instructed the USPAP Instructors Certificaton course I attended, the workfile should contain enough data to do a summary appraisal report.

I realize many will disagree. I suggest that everyone go to:
and download the course outline for the USPAP Instructor Certification Course under the heading of "Instructor application". It is about 111 pages in a PDF format. Especially read the Scope of Work portion. You may be surprised at what you find.

Don Clark, IFA

good job and glad you had yourself together to defend your work, I think that is 90% of what we all do. I believe it pays to continually review USPAP - from time to time throught the year, just because it is always under construction and they keep changing definitions and meanings. With regards to the variations of reports and will have to agree with Don Clark and his comments.

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