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Ten Biggest U.S. Cities running out of Water

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I think homes need to be built with underground rain water holding tanks, or begin to retrofit many homes with them. This country is just very wasteful.
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The endangered people can move, the endangered animals can't.

Birds can fly away. Fish can swim away. Most animals can get up and move.

It's amazing that whenever there is a new construction project of any type, endangered birds, animals, mice, and snails always seem to flock to the site in great numbers, immediately shutting down the project.

The supposedly endangered Least Bell's Vireo, (whatever that is - probably a made up bird), shows up here whenever someone puts a shovel in the ground, yet its' endangered? You can go across the border and there are millions of the same birds.
The Least Bell's Vireo was listed as a state endangered species by the California Fish and Game Commission in 1980, and as a federally endangered species in 1986. Critical habitat for the species was designated in 1994.
Breeding grounds are critical and must have the type of food they eat.

To use an old quote, can't we all just get along?
I know someone who's getting his PhD in economics. He conducted a study to try and find at what price point will people actually begin to reduce their water usage. He found that the price had to go up about 4 times to get people to really make changes in their usage. My water/sewer bill is about $50 a month for a family of 4. The lowest it's ever been is about $40. I live in an apartment so there's no grass to water or cars to wash but my wife does at least one load of laundry every day (2 kids in cloth diapers) Even if our water bill doubled we wouldn't stop running the dishwasher every day, doing laundry every day, or showering every day.
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