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The Best HUD DoubleSpeak this week

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Francois K. Gregoire

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Another Example of Efficiency and Obfuscation:

HUD Responds to NAR Questions (FINALLY!!)

Back in February, the Financial Services Housing Subcommittee held a hearing on the HUD budget. The National Association of REALTORS Appraisal Committee was given the opportunity to present questions to HUD Secretary Mel Martinez.

Even though the appraisal questions were not asked during the hearing, they were submitted by Rep. Israel (D-NY) to Sec. Martinez to be answered in writing for the public record. As a follow up, the Appraisal Committee has just received HUD's reply, which is being posted on our appraisal web site.

Sorry for the cynicism, but the answers dazzle with their brilliance.


Please note the 'massive' amount budgeted for reviews. It's particularly interesting in light of the amount of the AQA Review Contracts for SASS Program with Andersen Consulting oversight ($27,000,000.)
Sounds like they already know EVERYTHING there is to know. The proof is in their default rate and massive amount of fraud. :roll:

"Badges?... We don't need no stinkin' badges!"

Reality is an illusion.

Let's let the lender and Realtor based AVMs set the values! Sight unseen, of course. No conflict of interest there! Plus, the information is always correct and right on the money as long as it matches whatever they manage to get on the contract..... closing costs and kickbacks added on.

Is anyone out there that wants a realistic value? Hellooooo....... anybody.....

Hey, what planet is this?

Good night.
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