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The truth hurts, but it is still the truth.

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Bob Ipock

Elite Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
I spoke on the telephone with a NC State Representative today concerning upcoming NCAB appointments. He told me that he had only heard from 4 appraisers concerning these appointments and that there must not ne much interest in who, how, when or why appointments are made.

I certainly had no argument for him. His perception is correct. As long as there is no interest on the part of appraisers, we give free reign for appointments to be made based on whatever factors the appointERS may choose. It is sort of like not voting and then complaining about the election results. Well, I "voted" (as in expressing my concerns) and I will have every right able to complain, ===== and moan if I am unhappy with the appointments or to feel gratified that well thought out choices were made.

Four appraisers out of 3,800 in the state........how very sad. I wonder if appraisers in other states are doing any better?


Here are a couple of other sad thoughts.

1 I think it would bevery interesting to be on the NCAB. However, I do not think one should nominate themself. I thought this was an appoinment. Should not the best and brightest we have be nominated for an appoinment?

2. I wonder how many of the 3000+ appraisers in NC have any clue that they can nominate themself or others? I did not know it until you just said so. I figured the Gov. had hand picked people based on their party affiliation, based on whom ever might be govenor and who may have contributed to campaigns.
The process for appointments of board menbers is in the NCAB Rules. In order to be considerd for appointment, one MUST apply. There is a very short application form that an appraiser gets from either the Governor, The Speaker of the House, or The President Pro tem of the Senate. These three people have charge of all seven appointments. No one is appointed unless thay have applied. This is pretty standard for most boards and commissions in NC which are not full time state employment positions.

In answer to your second item, EVERY appraiser in NC (and every other state) should know how appointments are made, how long terms are and who makes the appointments. If not, they have failed to read the rules. In NC when you apply for an appraisal license, you sign a statement that you have READ THE RULE BOOK.

I have sent letters of support, recoomendation (or whattever you care to call it) for 3 appraisers who were seeking a seat. Each of them contacted me and asked that i do so and i was happy to do so after discussing their views and opinions.

Remember, appointments to OCCUPATIONAL BOARDS and COMMISSIONS (such as Real Estate, Medical, Optomotrists, Pest Control, Banking, Accounting etc.) are open to qualified practicioners of their fields. If I was a a CPA or a Hair Dresser, I would want the most qualified practioners available sitting in judgement of me. I am an appraiser and I feel the same way.

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