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This doesn't even look familiar to me....

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two pennies:

Functional adjustment for 2 versus three or more bedrooms ..

GLA adjustment for difference greater than 100 square feet .. only measure to nearest full foot, anyway ..
Take a deep breath and repeat after me:

"Some appraisers are idiots, some of the idiots outta have their licenses pulled, where's a USPAP cop when you NEED one?!?!? This is the worst one I've seen YET!"

Repeat PRN.

Then place it on that special spot on your bulletin board you reserve for the current 'worst' and take down the one you had there before...

Or is ours the only office that has a small framed spot for idiocy of the week and overall gran champ??

((FYI the present winner and stiillll champpeeeen has been there for three years - tho tempted by other reports with worse individual transgressions, this one has yet to be dispaced for supreme overall idiocy :roll: ))

Now, feel better???
Thanks, Lee Ann :idea:

I needed that :D .....It's hanging up there now on the wall, and I'm doing my own thing, my way :lol:
You are welcome! Hope it helped, but what ever you do DON"T ever start looking at your outgoing in relation to the sort of work that sends all of us off on raves...

When the day comes when I actually beleive that no one cares what I write, I'm hanging up my hat and riding off into the sunset.

Keep doing it YOUR way (and the music fades)....
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