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This is a new idea

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Head Surfer

Staff member
Jan 4, 2002
Professional Status
Retired Appraiser
Since members of the public pop in and ask questions from time to time I would like them to be asked here. And hopefully there will be appraisers willing to answer them.
Why would you include "Ask an Appraiser" in an appraiser forum :?: :lol:

Wayne, just kidding.

Thank You for all the hard work getting these forums together!!!

Your a credit to your profession.

Very good idea Wayne. Be interesting to see if we get any takers.

With all the diverse opinions supplied on this forum, the questioner may go away more confused than before.
Tim good answer; Wayne you little devil dog; you must have been researching this layout a bit- one day I'm looking at the old set up and your asking for opinions (test) and the next time I come here - it's a whole new dance.
Good work, sure everyone will catch on after a bit; but don't know why we need little icons; I think we can tell everyone's emotional state when they post or reply-Greg's been using the rolling eyes a bit much, but then again it fits.
8O It takes a little time to make progress. I wish I weren't such a slow learner. :D Just practicing a bit to see how I do.
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