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Today's lesson (or gripe): mapping software

How many use an integrated mapping program that determines comp distance?

  • all the time

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  • never

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  • sometimes

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Re-word the poll question please. I use my mapping software (Street Atlas USA) with my Forms Software (ACI) either cut and paste, or with the intergrated features that can place your comps. automatically. So I am not sure how to answer the question.
I re-worded the question Fred. Doesn't ACI have it's own mapping program like alamode? I really thought they all did now. There is no big deal about being a little off on comp distance. However, saying its under a mile when it is three miles away or just guessing is unrealistic. If you use an integrated mapping program then the chances of error are less and the chances of lying is less. I don't review many reports that use this option and usually the understating is on purpose, not a mistake. Of course, I didn't realize that there were still appraisers hand drawing sketches and using rub on arrows either. The current tecknolgy is worth the cost and a real time saver and butt saver too.

ACI lets you select your mapping program, but most ARE integrated, it's an extra step to load the addresses...

This permits us to stay with software we already own are familiar with... ACI is currently pushing Delorme (Stret Atlas) but you can use others also.

This combination does NOT insert the distances into the sales grid, as I understand some other programs now do. S's ok by me , I prefer to look think and measure (using the software tool) for myself.

For this reason I also was confused by the intent of your question.

It is integrated, but doesn't load the distances... I voted incorrectly based on the originally posed question...
I, too, use Street Atlas, which allows me to measure from point a to b, I "print" the map to Paperport, B & W, gets away from the color Printout of SA. From that point I use Paperport to paste my Comp 1, 2, 3, Subject Text boxes, add arrows, trim the map to my preferred size, and export as a .gif or .bmp file. Then from either Clickforms or WordPerf, I import the graphic to the appropriate space.

That sounds like a lot of trouble, but really only takes about 2-3 minutes. For Comp 1, 2, 3, and my "usual" areas, I simply duplicate the items in .max files in Paperport, and can often omit the step of writing the comps. The map I created yesterday had 7 COMPS and 7 LAND SALES and is quit flexible in what goes where.

P. S. with mapping programs, and living on a state line, I find the spacial relationship shown between Arkansas town and rural nearby area to be important to indicate. Single county maps make crossing the border difficult, and there is a time and place for that.
Toolbox with Geo Locator results in beautiful, crisp, clear maps within a one second "click" and puts in the distances for you automatically! Should never alter a map, that is fraud! Geo Locater is 99% accurate in my neck of the woods.
I don't see how moving a property that is incorrectly placed could be fraud. I use Wintotal's mapping program and it sometimes gives incorrect locations. I find that once in a while the program will confuse e/w or n/s on the map. Sometimes if it is a large map, the properties get placed on completely different roads. This seems to happen more in small towns. But it seems like it would be fraud to leave it as is.
quote>>I didn't realize that there were still appraisers hand drawing sketches and using rub on arrows either. The current tecknolgy is worth the cost and a real time saver <<
Still think i can sketch and calculate a semi-complex house quicker than I can draw it with a computer, but the advantage to a sketcher is the file is a single complete "true copy" of the report if the map and sketch is integrated with the report.
I scold my assistants for pasting flood maps, location maps, etc. and copying on a copier, but none seem willing to take the time to do it. Like 5 more minutes is a big deal.
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