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Total listings in 1004MC

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Nope, it's still hot.

Properties that compete with the subject property. Where does it say anything about doing it different for purchase and refi assignments?

Dang Fernando, I thought you understood what you read. My mistake. Keep doing it the Fernando way.
It's confusing from my interpretation. I'll continue doing the Fernando way. One way for sales, another for refi.
It's confusing from my interpretation. I'll continue doing the Fernando way. One way for sales, another for refi.
Nothing to interpret. The line for listings says ACTIVE listings. Not pending or under contract. A listing that is under contract or pending is not ACTIVE
Nothing to interpret. The line for listings says ACTIVE listings. Not pending or under contract. A listing that is under contract or pending is not ACTIVE
WTF! It doesn't say active listings. It just say listings. Listings include pending. Everyone knows that.
Nothing to interpret. The line for listings says ACTIVE listings. Not pending or under contract. A listing that is under contract or pending is not ACTIVE
I working on the 1004MC and I see what you're talking about.
In the grid, it says active listing. On the Instructions, it says listing and I assume active and pending.
And I also considering the listing range on top of page 2 in which I'm to put number of comparable listings (I assume all active and pending).
Reviewers connect the two and want consistency. That's where it got me confused.
Can someone remind me in the 1004MC.
Do I include subject as one of the listing sales?
Sir, I believe the software has an option to let you select pending as active or settled. Also, if your data points is large enough, including subject or not shall not offset the result too much. Did you see a large difference?
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