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Trainee to bring own clients in K.C..........

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One of my appraiser friends who has a few trainees who are about to become licensed recently put an ad in the Denver Post advertising to hire a new apprentice. He put it in the Sunday paper only, and got 50 applications.
I'm sure the demand varies from one area to the next, but I've yet to hear of anyplace that has an abundance of 'appraiser trainee wanted' ads in their newspapers.
Didn't one of the appraisers on this forum who is also an instructor say that the survival rate (going from rookie to being licensed) is around 25%?
It sure would be great if the schools were required to post their actual placement/success rates. It would save a lot of people time and money, or at least give them an indication of what they're up against.
It sure would be great if the schools were required to post their actual placement/success rates. It would save a lot of people time and money, or at least give them an indication of what they're up against.

Jill and Nelson: Dee Dee said a mouthful... Ever see the truckdriving ads on late night TV? Sometimes we in the profession feel like we are running up against that sort of environment! A few years back Small Business indicated that 'being an appriaser was on the top ten list of home businesses: go be one make millions retire early never have stress. a LIE!

Frankly there is agreat deal more to appraising or running a truck SAFELY and ETHICALLY down the road than getting a piece of paper and hitting the road!!!

Just as there is a whole lot more to assisting those in need of assistance from within the medical profession and or pounding nails... you don't 'get it' all in one day with the certificate of completion!

One difference is as I head quoted today: Appraisers are the only profession where all parties concerned come unglued and 'yell' at the appraiser (often all at the same time) for purportedly not doing thier job correctly, when in fact it may be the case that one IS performed entirely correctly.
Aint that the true Lee Ann the one doing their job correctly gets yelled at by everyone...

Sometimes I feel like my career (w/this client) is as long as it takes to complete the current assignment,, too many variables: value, does the HO like you(or not), are you on time, are you courteous, cant tell them the value after measuring and walking through "doesnt know what he/she is doing", late w/the report(some crazy turn times they expect), oh and leave your life at the door as you enter this career...havent had a WHOLE weekend off in years..

then there is the cost of office equiptment, 1-2 new computers, printer(s), MLS time, joining various boards, CE, the gas, digital camera, paper, delivery fees, E&O, stiffed by clients, paper, ink, oh and software, if one goes Alamode sign your life away to fees for this that and everything.

Ok if one has the staying power and lots of mulla$ to survive a couple of years, has their monthly nut to crack to a nill, is honest, CAN WORK UNDER PRESSURE!, can say no, be ethical even when your very hungry. can work hard, late/early hours
and wants thier own business then this is a job/career for someone
just like the infomercials say
if one works hard one can make a decent living....but not over night or your first year
the AVMs are making it harder for all of us
You can make it in appraisal IF you are willing to pay the dues! It does take a lot of time and effort to get started. As to what you will be making....I can't see you making less than you do now.

Forget about having your own life....most good appraisers work about 60 hours a week, take few..if any vacations, and are hassled all the time for timeliness, values, and fees. Now if you like being the secretary, accountant, appraiser, and janitor...you just might like this crazy business.

Fun stuff, take today for example. I just returned to work following a week on beautiful Table Rock in Missouri. Came home to a crashed fax machine and computer. The fax was easy enough to fix, only took $200 for a new drum and toner cart. The computer, on the other hand needed a complete recovery! That meant I lost all my programs (data was safe but not the programs). After 7 hours of reloading, I still don't have my e-mail or accounting program up and running. Did I mention four hours on the phone, all long distance, all on my nickle?

Be sure to back up all your programs...recommend a 2nd hard drive. Just take the drive out and install on another computer. Aint life grand?
Did I mention four hours on the phone, all long distance, all on my nickle?

Mike either you have found a better LongDistance provider than I have been able to locate or along with losing your programs you have slipped a couple decades... these days it's usually around a dine :lol:

Sorry to hear of the confuser demise... We now have several full harddrive backups rotating offsite to insure against just that kind of catastrophe.

If the confuser croaks for good we jsut plug in a drive and bingo: max loss is =/- two days data and such.
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