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Updating Windows, Making Backup.

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Tim The Enchanter

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Just wondering how many of you do the Windows updates from the Microsoft website? I got a new XP machine in January, and it pops up a little window wanting to download the latest "updates", patches more like it, I figure. I recently did the same for the older Win98 machine, it wanted a bunch of "critical updates" for security from hackers, etc.

One of those was an "upgrade" from Outlook Express 5 to version 6.
After, I was sent E mail with an ACI file and a couple PDFs attached. The mail said "OE blocked access to these unsafe attachments." I finally found a check box to uncheck that blocks files that could contain viruses. :roll: Hello, I have an antivrus program. :lol:

I can't help worrying that 1 of these "upgrades" might fry my system. Anybody have horror stories? Or better yet reassurance? I wonder if I should just update the virus protection and stop there, but...

You do make regular backup don't you? :lol: Sure let's do a full system backup on floppies. :P I have all night. :P Even 250 MB zip disks are too small for full backup unless you want to spend a bundle on them.

Anybody know if it is possible to do full backup to CD of a Win98 system networked to an XP system with CD burner :?: Network is peer to peer, via a small 5 port hub. The XP takes care of the internet connection sharing, and only the XP system has the CD burner.

Last question, when you get the box during a download that wants you to check the box "Always trust content from Microsoft" do you check it? :lol:
I generally go to microsoft.com and see what they recommend for upgrades. Then they list them with description and you can make your own choices.
As far as backups are concerned I would think you could use a CD-RW which hold 700mb, but I am not positive on this, if you have a backup program it should tell you.
I never check boxes that say "always trust".

Like Terry I just get the critical backups and look through the others and see what I want to get.

As far as backup I just back my data, I don't back up the actual program files or operating system. My data consists of all the files in the "documents and settings" folder as well as the folder that I have the data for all my websites and online stuff I am working on. Other than these two folders there is no need to back up since a system restore from the cd's that came with the computer can put it back like it was new, even if the hard drive fails and has to be replaced. Then I can restore the documents and settings folder and my other folder and it is back like it was before a crash.
I agree totally with Wayne and ATC

I will add one little trick I do. It's hard to do once you have a computer set up but it's a good thing to do when you get a new one or reformat or add a new Drive.

I created a folder called Jeff Stuff (call it what ever you want). I saved all my data in there!! I created subfolders with names that make sense to help organize it but everything goes in there. That way all I had to do was backup the Jeffs Stuff folder and I have all my data.

Of course you have to go into the programs and tell them where to save the data or this doesn't work of course. And there are a few programs that won't let you change the default where it saves stuff. For example I still have to back up my Email addresses and Internet favorites (bookmarks). But I hav 95%+ of my data stored in one folder where I copy it really fast.

Now I have gone one step farther and I partitioned my Hard Drive and I now have a Drive call DATA and one APPRAISALS. Again all my data goes on the appropriate drive and it makes backing up simple! I just copy EVERYTHING on that drive.

PS If you have any kind of schedule program put a reminder in there to backup your data weekly or what ever you like. Otherwise if you like me you will forget too.
Good points Jeff!

I might add also that I back up to an external 17 GB hard drive via a USB cable. These are relatively inexpensive now.

It beats swapping out CD's or heaven forbid, floppies! (my latest machine doesn't even have a floppy - well it does but since it is a laptop and has a "multi-bay" which will accept CD-RD DVD combo or floppy, the floppy stays in the drawer) I never use it.

Wayne (used only laptops for everything since 1999 - mobile and wireless internet!)
Guess I shouldn't worry about those updates. Absolutely the data gets backed up. The problem is the 98 machine does not have a restore CD, and I don't have the program disks for some of the stuff on it. I do have a full backup on Zip drives, but is about 1 1/2 years old, so not up to date anymore. If the thing died I know it would be a hassle to put back together. Ah well, if it dies, I'll probably just replace it altogether.

After rereading your posts, I was wondering if you wanted to transfer your files from your Win98 to your XP. If that is the case, your XP has a program all set up for just that purpose. It is called “Files and Settings Wizard” it is located under accessories, then system tools. It walks you right through. This may not be pertinent to your situation, but I thought I might throw it out here.

I agree with Wayne, the external hard drive is the way to go for backing up files.

I had a hard drive crash last week, machine will not start windoze, just get an error message stating that the hard drive cannot be found, and no operating system is installed.

I just plugged the external hard drive into my laptop, (USB) and was ready to go with a minimal delay. I did lose a couple of files that I had not backed up, but all of my accounts recieveable, Alamode software settings, etc. were saved and updated to my laptop.
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