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Urgent re lifting condition

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I generally report what I see and do not take the role of an underwriter. When you condition things outside of your expertise and then provide a satisfactory completion statement, you are, in part, taking ownership. Why not tell the client what is wrong, let them decide on the risk, and let them take ownership?
Could not agree more. Disclose and disclaim. When I get something like this I condition on inspection. It's then up to the client how they want to handle it.
General Contractor stating that he had remedied the issues
Why would you not? Frankly, why do they even need you to comment anyway? So unless the 1004D was a requirement in the LOE, I would say, "Sorry, I don't have time."
if the expert, contractor, says it was upgraded to code, then what is your liability. it also depends on what details you asked for with the repair items.
you gotta assume that any contractor used is licensed by that area l&i to do approved work.
we recently have had issues with how bad some inspection were in this big city by l&i.
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In some areas. A permit is jut that, a permit. Some will require a final inspection. But I have seen some area where the permits are just a way to collect money and they never inspect.
Exactly! There have been times where a client sends me a copy of the building permit for me to say condition has been satisfied. I respond that a permit just says they let the Building Inspector know they are building something and they got the ok to do so. I tell them the need a certificate of compliance or in most of my areas, an addendum to the permit noting that the BI signed off on the work.
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