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Used the wrong form now what?

Usually, if a licensee is unaware of the baked in language of a URAR they made a host of other errors as well.
I am not advocating using the 1004 for non lender work. On my software the first three pages of the 1004 can be used without the 1004 certs. There is nothing I can find on the first three pages of the 1004 that has "baked in" language that would preclude using the first three pages with the proper certs. Most non lender "forms" I have seen with the exception of the AI forms are nothing more than a knockoff of the first three pages of the 1004
I am not advocating using the 1004 for non lender work. On my software the first three pages of the 1004 can be used without the 1004 certs. There is nothing I can find on the first three pages of the 1004 that has "baked in" language that would preclude using the first three pages with the proper certs. Most non lender "forms" I have seen with the exception of the AI forms are nothing more than a knockoff of the first three pages of the 1004
Page two of the URAR, at the very bottom, states the inspection date is also the effective date, which would be inappropriate for a retrospective/prospective report.

When Clickforms came out with their GP forms circa 2005 it had the ‘inspection is the effective date’ reference. Fortunately, Cforms had a feature where you could put an “x” anywhere and I would “x out” inappropriate info. Got tired of doing that so I wrote Cforms pointing out the error if doing retro/pro. A week or so later the form was changed. You’re welcome.
Again, those who know better or preach that F/F forms should not be used for private work, can you cite a single state board case or other entity that went after an appraiser for using that form? It's a simple question. The question was not asking how much BS you can throw on the wall to heighten your personal moral high ground.
The board would have to be aware of it. I did contract my board about this and was told that they would consider this a violation of several things including SOW rule.
Girlfriend you don't realize whose side I am on. Read the certs and limiting conditions and tell me your opinion.

What would you do girlfriend?

First of all, I'm not your girlfriend. How old are you? You're a former 'regulator', that explains a lot. The form is copyrighted by the software provider. Read the bottom of any URAR form.
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