Take a leaf from the book on the Old West. String 'em up at sundown.
Start with your State Appraisal Board. Report companies soliciting $125.00 full appraisals and $100.00 field reviews and get the Board to write a letter demanding copies of work products in the State of Utah. If more State Appraisal Boards were on the job, appraisers would not be tempted to take this kind of work and the take the short cuts to make these pay. Fees are related to scope of work. The lower the fee, the greater the temptation to reduce the scope of work. One letter from a State Appraisal Board would do more good than can be done by any group of appraisers. Sure, it is a fishing expedition but this is the Old West.
Encourage appraisers to accept review work. Good appraisers don't accept review work due to low fees. Consider it a public service and shine a light under the rock.
Start a Yahoo users group for your market. This is the quickest way to communicate. Let other appraisers know what fees are offered and what companies are out there offering fees. Share your experience. Post important links and make this a go-to site for appraisers, then spread the word on other matters.
Some appraisers have good local contacts in the press. Let the press know what is going on in your market.
Invoke Nancy. Everyone has to work within their own business model but beyond just saying NO!, appraisers need to help other appraisers. Ban together first to help other appraisers make a living by good referrals and cooperation. The financially healthier a fellow appraiser is puts them in a better position to "Just Say No!"