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Utah Appraisers Speak Out

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Thanks Doug,

Since we are a non disclosure state, just saying no is a good strategy.

Our appraisal board can be proactive but it's a slow process.

By the way good appraisers to do accept reviews and good clients pay me dearly for my work.:icon_mrgreen:

By the way, why do I need to wait until sundown? I've always been an advocate for doing things in broad daylight. :RIF:


Chris, your attitude is one that I think is beneficial to those with less fortitude. I like the way you think and by no means do I want anything to do with price fixing. If we can organize for the 21 of this month I think you would benefit those that attend.
Frankenstein and Cattle Rustlers

Thanks Doug,

By the way, why do I need to wait until sundown? I've always been an advocate for doing things in broad daylight. :rof:


Sorry, I got it confused with the best time for pitchforks and torches.

Sorry, I got it confused with the best time for pitchforks and torches.


Haha, that's it! I don't even own a pitch or a torch but I'm heading to Home Depot right now! Isn't that how we used to get things done?
Haha, that's it! I don't even own a pitch or a torch but I'm heading to Home Depot right now! Isn't that how we used to get things done?

Hey Doug use to hand out knives to promote his business, guess that tells ya what kinda action he takes with those who cross him.:nono:

PS. still got mine and proud to have it in my pocket in case it's needed (corkscrew or blade):laugh:

I can't come to the meeting because of a previous committment, but count me in with solidarity. I have never discounted my fees for AMC's, and never will. Currently they pay my full fee or find someone else. That attitude has served me well over the past 26 years, and seems to be a good business plan. If you want to look at my fees, you can check my web site, kimberappraisal.com.
CT is working on passing a bill (BILL 303) that bans an appraisal management company from marking up an appraisers fee. It also promotes full transparency to the consumer. All AMCs that are asking for unreasonable STIPs or value issues are being turned in to the local Banking Commission and the Appraisal Commission. They are working with the National Banking Commission in DC to stop this.

The more states that contact Barney Frank's office and Senator Chris Dodd's office the better.

The AI in CT is also having a meeting to try to determin how they are going to address the mark up of fees.

I have been keeping a list of all AMCs that are shopping based on price and turning them into the banking commission. Chase is now being shot down by many state appraisal commissions on appraiser complaints because of their use of management companies. Most Appraisal Commissions are now stating you get what you pay for.

AMCs will get regulated. It may take time but we are growing strong and we need to keep bringing hard proof and examples to the States. If you nag a Senator long enough you do get attention.

I can't come to the meeting because of a previous committment, but count me in with solidarity. I have never discounted my fees for AMC's, and never will. Currently they pay my full fee or find someone else. That attitude has served me well over the past 26 years, and seems to be a good business plan. If you want to look at my fees, you can check my web site, kimberappraisal.com.

Thank you for your support, we need every appraiser we can get.
By the way, I received my flyer today about the meeting. Thanks to the Big 3, lol.
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