You're expending a lot of bandwidth about the risk profiles and economic volatility of 70% and 80% LTVs. That is, when your not fretting about appraisers going broke.
I have spaned zero about risk profiles of 70-80% LTV. Since it is our livelihood and profession at stake, appraisers on a bulletin board "fretting" about appraisers going broke is appropriate.
Fannie and Freddie chose to use waivers, knowing it would have that effect on appraisers. The waiver program also is de, Part of the $ that used to go to appraisers go now to AMC's who are approved to do the onsite inspection ( data collection ) for the waivers that need an inspection. That was Fannie/Freddie's choice, too.
According to you, we are somehow not supposed to react since you gaslight it by calling it "fretting". It should at least be called out for what it is; if we are going to have our livelihood stolen, realize it was by deliberate choice, not the fault of technology - what is high tech about a mortgage lender writing the value they need to make the deal in a waiver? Nothing. What is high tech about an in house AVM to see if the mortgate' lenders' value choice fits in the range the AVM develops? Nothing.
Allowing mortgage lenders to pick the value ( or the SC price be the value ) as is done with Waivers is a value risk regardless of how much ff screams about low risk on a higher equity position property. Because again, I ask the question that you have not addressed - if these waiver loans are such a low risk, then why isn't the lender, Fannie, or Freddie? Being responsible for the valuation? Because they did shift the risk for these valuations onto the taxpayer ( the lender is responsible for the value/appraisal when they use an appraisal
Lower risk is not the same as low risk, and a Waiver shifts 100% of the risk onto the taxpayer. No wonder the lendres love them. They get to pick the value of the property (which the HVCC forbids in an appraisal ) - the mortgage lender picks the property value as long as it fits in the Fannie or Freddie AVM range -who outside the system sees the AVM? Nobody, correct?
I mean, the waiver program was genius - by eliminating the appraisal, they do not have to answer to any of the regulations safeguarding valuations that is present in an appraisal.