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We could use a little help in North Carolina

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Bob Ipock

Elite Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
The terms of two current members of the NCAB will expire on 06/30/2002.

Mr. Henry Faircloth is the NON-APPRAISER PUBLIC MEMBER and has held a seat on the NCAB since 07/01/1991....yes that is eleven years.

This particular seat is appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the NC Senate, Senator Marc Basnight.

Senator Basnight's e-mail address is Marcb@ncleg.net
his office phone # is (919) 733-6854


Mr. Bart Bryson is an APPRAISER MEMBER of the board and was appointed in 1999.

This particular seat is appointed by Speaker of the House of Representatives, James B. Black.

Representative Black's e-mail address is Jimb@ncleg.net
his office phone # is (919) 733-3451


I have nothing negative at all to say about either of these board members, only that we need some NEW BLOOD on the NCAB and some consideration of geograhic diversity. I would hope that appointments will
be made based on qualifications, knowledge of CURRENT appraisal practice and a willingness to be honest, fair and impartial.

Please take a few minutes to contact these LEGISLATORS who will be making these appointments. I am sure that our North Carolina Appraisers will be happy to help those of you in OTHER STATES when you need help.

Bob Ipock
Bob: It is obvious to all that have eyes to see and ears to hear that NC has the worse appraisal board of any of the 50 states. Every time I turn my computer on, all I hear is ranting about actions of the NCAB, but other than that, the only other state I have heard mentioned in the last ten years was one complaint from Ohio. Where there is smoke, there is fire. I said all of that to say this: What is the source of the problem in NC? I think your post clearly answers 90% of the question. That answer is political appointments from a state dominated by 150 years of one party rule.
Any time you pick any group on this basis it is extremely unlikely that one of them will be an independent thinker that is above the fray and can serve as the adult in charge. In my experience, the problem with the NCAB is that it lacks that one person with a wide scope of vision and wisdom, a strong conscience, a knowledge of and appreciation of legal principles, and is above petty partisanship. In a nutshell, the NCAB has never enjoyed the services of such a person and until their peers on the basis of merit select board members they never will.
It is unthinkable to have an appraisal board charged with enforcement and administration of USPAP ruled over by a board of political cronies with no demonstrated credentials such as having taken a comprehensive class and passed an examination on the subject. Yesterday, somebody posted that in August of this year the entire NCAB and staff were going to audit an instructor’s class on USPAP but would not be taking the final exam. That shows a total lack of intellectual and moral integrity on their part and points out the gravity of the problem.
The solution: Peers should appoint all appraisal board members. All actions of the board should be subject to peer review; there should be an appeals process in which peers review all final case dispositions. This never can be done until politics is removed from the equation.

Request noted. Correspondence being prepared.

Wally Jones
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