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Elite Member
Jul 23, 2007
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Any appraisers on the Forum from Weirton, where I grew up?

Last time I was home it was pretty gruesome though my mom says that town is booming with new restaurants and--primarily--gamblin' joints.

I remember as a kid a long long time ago seeing the wall length chalkboards with betting lines, in the joints up and down main street, just outside the steel mill gates.

The air was heavy with smoke and the sidewalks needed to be swept free of graphite that accumulated overnight, but work was plentiful and the beer was cold....

What went wrong? Was the demise inevitable? Can the downturn be rectified?
I grew up in WV too: Mainly in Southern WV. I have lived in the Eastern Panhandle. The Northern Panhandle, Central WV, the Western side and in Southern WV. I just claim the whole state as my home. I went to WUV and bleed Gold & Blue. I had to go back to WV a few months ago for my Mother's funeral and then agan when my father got ill. It was very depressing to see how the State is suffering economicly. I had heard that the Weston area was booming due to the natural gas wells. Well, I went to Weston and it looked worse than ever. It appears that most of the people working the wells come in during the week and stay at hotels and then leave. Where is the money going? I don't know. What a shame!
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