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What would you do?

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:lol: :lol:
I don't know exactly what it is about our web-presences that always has folks mixing up Dee Dee and I, but just for the record I take it as a complement! :P

Is it the fact we aren't afraid to ask for other opinions when we think we need 'em? or our sweet tempered non-confrontational web presences? :wink:

I think the advice stated is good: I happen to have the tools needed to 'guestimate' cost to cure if you need it, but I wouldn't put own more than a 'estimate': DON'T reccoment or spell out any exact cure!

I tend to agree with Greg: cost to cure is relatively minimal, and Randy's comment that this is not only a 'lawyer magnet' but has the potential to cause serious injury or death is the biggest concern.

Hang tough Dee Dee, don't let them whine you to death!
Lee Ann AKA Dee Dee

Sometime after I sent it, I realized the mistake and hoped neither one of you would catch it. :)
Lee Ann:

I think its because you and Dee Dee look like twin sisters.
Pretty neat coming from you Mr. Look-in-the-mirror-no-Avatar Haskell! :lol: :lol:

I was beat up pretty bad in other threads for the way I 'look' and so if through nothin but contraryness I am going to stick with my current 'look'~ tho I did think of putting in my dog ACD's are kinda cute :wink:
I had to go back and re-read my previous posts to see where I probably messed up in my description of this deck. I'm so swamped right now that I'm sounding a bit scattered, sincere apologies. :oops:

There are trusses which support the deck top, but no cantilevers. In other words, the entire deck is a completely independant unit, with only a lot of screws and about 5 heavy lag bolts holding it to the house. if you removed the screws and lag bolts the entire thing would come down in one unit...splat. I have no idea why it hasn't fallen down yet....perhaps it is magic! :lol: It would be better suited as a floating raft with a couple of barrels strapped under it than as a deck dangling 10 feet off the ground.

Had the good fortune to run into the buyer and his inspector this morning as I was taking one last look before turning in the report. They were looking at the deck and the inspector was telling him that it was an accident waiting to happen, that it had better come down immediately before someone got hurt. My fears were validated and the LO (buyer) knows I wasn't just being paranoid. My bottom is covered, problem solved.
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