I was told by the County Revisions Board that appeal cases should reflect the CURRENT tax year, which in my county's case in 2008. So when selecting comps to determine the value of my home, I have to only look at sales between 1/1/2008 and 12/31/2008.
Yes, I am looking for someone who is experienced but am trying to figure out how to determine that by asking the "right" questions instead of taking their "word" for it. I also want to find someone who is ETHICAL and HONEST. I'm not totally sure yet (
Im still doing some research) but I think the person who did my pre-purchase appraisal might have been one of those "bad apples" we've been reading about in the papers. I started a thread about it on the ASK AN APPRAISER forum, here's a link to it in case you're intereted in a little background on what got me started looking for an appraiser in the first place:
A non-lending form? I havent come across that term yet in my research. My pre-purchase appraisal was done on a 2055 9-96 form so I went to the Fannie Mae website to see a list of other types of forms. Are all the ones I listed in my original post "lending"? Do non-lending forms have a number designation like the Fannie Mae forms? I want to get a look at them to familarize myself with the information captured on them.
My property is a single story, 2bed/1bath, bungalow-style home built in 1924. What type of report format "should" this type of property dictate?
LOL....actually, that question used to be on the top my list but I moved it down to the bottom for more effect.
Yeah, Ive been witness to that objection already. One of my other question posts turned into a sort of "I know you are but what am I" type debate among some of the responding posters. Thanks for the suggestion but I dont think I want to go there again
Great, I was hoping they were okay. What I really want to learn is what kinds of answers to expect, so that I can tell a "scripted" one from a "experienced" one. Any suggestions?
What a great idea, that's exactly what Im looking for.....someone whose more likely to take there time and do a thorough report instead of someone who is used to "chunking" them out quickly to meet financing
Thanks to you all for your feedback.....keep 'em coming