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When is report signature date required to be revised?

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Junior Member
Oct 24, 2013
Professional Status
Appraiser Trainee
The appraisal report indicated a 300 sf enclosed covered porch has been improved as an extended living room area, improved in a workmanlike manner. The report commented that there were no apparent health and safety concerns during the appraisal inspection, in the Improvement Section of the report on Page 1.

The Reviewer made a revision request by asking whether there were any health and safety concerns with the enclosed covered porch that had been improved as a living room.

In my opinion, the Reviewer obviously did not bother to read the appraisal report in the Improvement Section on page 1 where i had indicated there were no apparent health and safety concerns at time of inspection.

So i had responded in the "revised report", that there were no health or safety concerns during the appraisal inspection which is already noted in the appraisal report on Page 1 under Improvement Section, and also noted that no revision had been made to the report signature date because no changes were made to the report.

The Reviewer shot back and said "Because you added comments to the report regarding the requested revision, please revise your date of signature, and please also revise your comment that you did not revise it.

Is the Reviewer correct in requesting the signature date to be updated?

NOTE: So all of you believe the report signature date needs to be revised in this particular case, even though nothing has been changed in the report itself, other than responding to the Reviewer that the revision request has already been addressed in the report? That makes absolutely no common sense at all.
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it makes sense now. when you have several reports floating around you need to know which was the latest, most correct. so it's by signature date at minimum..
The appraisal report indicated a 300 sf enclosed covered porch has been improved as an extended living room area, improved in a workmanlike manner. The report commented that there were no apparent health and safety concerns during the appraisal inspection, in the Improvement Section of the report on Page 1.

The Reviewer made a revision request by asking whether there were any health and safety concerns with the enclosed covered porch that had been improved as a living room.

In my opinion, the Reviewer obviously did not bother to read the appraisal report in the Improvement Section on page 1 where i had indicated there were no apparent health and safety concerns at time of inspection.

So i had responded in the "revised report", that there were no health or safety concerns during the appraisal inspection which is already noted in the appraisal report on Page 1 under Improvement Section, and also noted that no revision had been made to the report signature date because no changes were made to the report.

The Reviewer shot back and said "Because you added comments to the report regarding the requested revision, please revise your date of signature, and please also revise your comment that you did not revise it.

Is the Reviewer correct in requesting the signature date to be updated?
If you put it in the report yes change the sig date, its a new report.
If you put it in the report yes change the sig date, its a new report.
Its done to protect the appraiser when a revision is made so that it shows the Date the revision was done. Its a New Signature Date normally with no change in value and the effective date and inspection date remains the same. If it makes you feel better to call it a new report so be it but thats how its done.
The reviewer is correct. Every time there are changes to an Appraisal Report, the signature/report date should be changed. Keep a true copy of every version of the report in your work file.

It is a "new report". It's not a new appraisal or new assignment.
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You changed the report by adding the comments, so yes new sig date.

The real question is why revise a report to say "no revision was made"?
Any time the Signature date changes it creates its own revision that needs to be disclosed.
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