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When is report signature date required to be revised?

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That bill would end up in the AMC's deleted file folder and you would be out of rotation

No you tell them that in your reply and watch the revision request magically disappear
You being an AG, probably don't have to deal with these AMC scumbags (kudos to you). if you do, due to your license level, you probably get your desired fee and very minimal flak. They make these inane requests to justify their position as it's really slow. I'm off the AMC merry go round right now and couldn't imagine the stupidity coming from these people. Some appraisers aren't so lucky....
Oh, I have dealt with my share. I do like appraising houses when it makes sense. In the OPs case, I would have simply emailed back suggesting they read the report, without revising. My favorite ask, when I conditioned an FHA report on the installation of a permanent heat source (in a town that often sees 40+ below) was if the owner hadn't just taken the heater out for summer.
It's sloppy use of language. The OP did revise the Appraisal Report but, did not revise the Appraisal. The revision to the report consisted, apparently, of reiterating that there were no health and safety issues as stated in the original report.

BTW, a lot of reviewers/underwriters don't read every word every word of every appraisal report. In part because a lot of appraisers aren't very organized in their report writing. Add headings to your comment sections and put sections in some logical order. Also.. don't say the same thing muliple times. Once is enough.
If the “reviewer“ was an AMC, then no.

If the reviewer was the client, then yes. Any alteration to the report, even if you didn’t change anything but responded to a question, does need an updated signature date.
BTW, a lot of reviewers/underwriters don't read every word every word of every appraisal report. In part because a lot of appraisers aren't very organized in their report writing. Add headings to your comment sections and put sections in some logical order. Also.. don't say the same thing muliple times. Once is enough.
absolutely. staff reviewers don't read the report at all, because of the confusing structure of most reports. the use a word search to find what they need. makes sense if you do a lot of reviews.
It doesn't matter if the revision is just repeating something already there. Any content you add afterward gets a new signature date. Just date it the same date you make the new comment and send it back to the client. You have to open up the report and re sign it either way, so just put in the most recent date of whatever comment you added, even if the comment is inane .
The appraisal report indicated a 300 sf enclosed covered porch has been improved as an extended living room area, improved in a workmanlike manner. The report commented that there were no apparent health and safety concerns during the appraisal inspection, in the Improvement Section of the report on Page 1.

The Reviewer made a revision request by asking whether there were any health and safety concerns with the enclosed covered porch that had been improved as a living room.

In my opinion, the Reviewer obviously did not bother to read the appraisal report in the Improvement Section on page 1 where i had indicated there were no apparent health and safety concerns at time of inspection.

So i had responded in the "revised report", that there were no health or safety concerns during the appraisal inspection which is already noted in the appraisal report on Page 1 under Improvement Section, and also noted that no revision had been made to the report signature date because no changes were made to the report.

The Reviewer shot back and said "Because you added comments to the report regarding the requested revision, please revise your date of signature, and please also revise your comment that you did not revise it.

Is the Reviewer correct in requesting the signature date to be updated?

NOTE: So all of you believe the report signature date needs to be revised in this particular case, even though nothing has been changed in the report itself, other than responding to the Reviewer that the revision request has already been addressed in the report? That makes absolutely no common sense at all.
I am pretty sure USPAP coveres this. But if you missed it, it a report is changed, you need a new report data, AKA signature date. Read your FAQ's or Standards 1 and 2
The report date changes, always, unless the report was revised on the date of the initial report date.
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