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Which version of Adobe to buy?

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Kent Faver

Sophomore Member
Aug 16, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Hey all,

I'm finally getting around to going EDI - hard to believe. Which Adobe version do you recommend? I know it needs to write and read as well. There's a new deluxe version 6.5, or something like that. Is that overkill?


Kent F.
I went with 5.0 and it seems to be working fine ($180 new on ebay). Couldn't tell you what the benefits of 6.5 are.

John Hassler
Believe that 6.5 isn't Adobe Writer, but a DVD development program ..
I use 5.0 too. Works great.
I use pdfMachine by www.broadgun.com. password protected, water mark capacity, easy print driver.......best of all it is $50.

Also, the company is Austrailian, so if you need to e-mail them they answer your questions by late that night. I had to redo a hard drive a while back and forgot my registraion number (Sunday at Midnight) e-mailed them to re register, and got a response by 2 AM.
Now you tell us! :lol:
Even more significant (Maybe) is that TBx will include a pdf capability in Version 10, which will let you convert it to a pdf, then E-Mail it, all from within TBx...

Les Hall, Sr.

If you have Adobe set-up to auto load the file inside Reader when it's finished being PDf'd..go to File in Adobe and click on Send Mail. It will launch your email program and attach the current PDF file automatically. It saves a step or two this way.

Also, if any of you ever downloaded the old Posta email program off Cnet for free (it's no longer there as the program is not being sold) Posta installed PDF Writer for free. Man, there was a blunder by Adobe and Tumbleweed Software-giving away PDF Writer for free in a demo. I still have the Posta setup demo but it's 3 megs and don't know if I could email a file that large....to anyone who wanted it to get the free PDF Writer.

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