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Who All Still Appraises in AZ?


Freshman Member
Jun 3, 2020
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
My primary work keeps me in the east valley and down in central AZ since I cover Maricopa and Pinal counties, but I'm curious of who all on here still appraises in any part of the state.

I ask cause I keep getting the "you're a bit young for an appraiser" and I cant be one of a few younger people I'm aware of working this state, but I'm also curious if anyone here has been able to keep a steady pace as well (for me currently, at least 8 assignments a week, most at a $500 price point per assignment). I'd like to think I have healthy competition in the marketplace here, but I only know of 2 other younger appraisers in the Valley, and all of us had a time finding supervisors. So I would assume all other current appraisers I'm driving alongside are my supervisors age or older.

And for those that have been here a while, is there any use of looking back in the archives of the Arizona forums here? I'd like to think there are some nuggets of wisdom in there, but unsure of what would be applicable to appraising in AZ today.
There's a state page on the bottom of this forum.
My primary work keeps me in the east valley and down in central AZ since I cover Maricopa and Pinal counties, but I'm curious of who all on here still appraises in any part of the state.

I ask cause I keep getting the "you're a bit young for an appraiser" and I cant be one of a few younger people I'm aware of working this state, but I'm also curious if anyone here has been able to keep a steady pace as well (for me currently, at least 8 assignments a week, most at a $500 price point per assignment). I'd like to think I have healthy competition in the marketplace here, but I only know of 2 other younger appraisers in the Valley, and all of us had a time finding supervisors. So I would assume all other current appraisers I'm driving alongside are my supervisors age or older.

And for those that have been here a while, is there any use of looking back in the archives of the Arizona forums here? I'd like to think there are some nuggets of wisdom in there, but unsure of what would be applicable to appraising in AZ today.
I have been appraising in AZ since 2010. I am not young - 64 years. I have been a member of this forum since pre-2010, but rarely follow it until recently, so I can't comment on whether or not it's worth your time to peruse the archives.
There's a state page on the bottom of this forum.
Agreed, and this should have been posted in that section of the forum.

But also, I’m trying to reach out to any locals still kicking around to make sure , as they sunset their time here, that I’m not missing out on wisdom of dealing with AZ specific problems or gotchas that I would not have received from my mentor.

If this was posted in the wrong place, then my apologies for not realizing.
I have been appraising in AZ since 2010. I am not young - 64 years. I have been a member of this forum since pre-2010, but rarely follow it until recently, so I can't comment on whether or not it's worth your time to peruse the archives.
I appreciate your dedication to this state, and hope your workload is as busy as you like it to be!

Did you come out here on a whim, or did something else bring you out at that time?

What’s been the biggest changes you’ve seen with the behavior of our market over the past decade or so? Has there been anything that has relatively stayed the same?

I’m glad to have started my training before 2020, but my time of seeing a “normal” market for us was short lived, tho learning in the midst of Covid-world certainly has made me more well rounded than I would have been in calm seas, haha
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