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Why They are Wrong about the Estate Tax

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There is NO LAW!! That I know of that prohibits those that want to give more of THIER money to the Government from doing so. Those that have the thought process that more should go to the government I simply say just don't take deductions & send YOUR money.

IF during the False Boom I saw that I needed to make investments & buy items that would increase in value & I did NOT believe Barney in 03 I don't believe I should send the Government EXTRA.

For those of you that believe extra should be sent by all means please do so. doesn't get much simpler than that.
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I Hope That There Weiner Guy Can Get Some Help Before He Blows A Gasket.
Just Shows How Dumb And Out Of Touch The Eastern Elite Is.
He Said That The Receivers Did Nothing To Deserve The Estate.
What Family Members Have Not Worked For Next To Nothing In A Family Business?
How Many Children The Took Care Of The Parents At The End Of Life, Sometimes For Years, For Nothing.

He Is About As Experienced As His Leader.
I have always admired the guy in Minnesota who started National School Studios. When he retired, he turned the entire company over to the employees, with shares distributed on a basis comensurate with their individual contribution and years of service. Said his family never worked in the business and had already benefited enough from it. What a novel idea...nothing to do with estate taxes but something to ponder.
have always admired the guy in Minnesota ...When he retired, he turned the entire company over to the employees, with shares distributed on a basis comensurate
from the IRS
Who pays the gift tax?
The donor is generally responsible for paying the gift tax. Under special arrangements the donee may agree to pay the tax instead. Please visit with your tax professional if you are considering this type of arrangement.

What is considered a gift?
Any transfer to an individual, either directly or indirectly, where full consideration (measured in money or money's worth) is not received in return.
Gifting isn't going to stop the taxing...
And the gift is to the IRS...The owner of the Estate paid the tax on it once. If you can afford it, great. But think farm. Farmers have LOW incomes and HIGH assets. They get WHACKED on the value of the ASSET, not their INCOME. So perhaps they inherited the farm. great. No basis (they pay on the full market value)...their children are forced to sell the family farm to pay the tax...or a big portion of it. If it takes 1,000 acres to make a living, and you have to sell off 350 acres, does it remain profitable??? And very often this is a farmer with a 10th grade education who may have a son or son in law working for peanuts over the years with the promise of owning the property once the old man kicks the bucket. Time and again that goes to L in a handbasket. Sis who lived 1000 miles away wants her share, the IRS wants its share up front and the chosen one ends up with huge debts and no land.

While my father was still in the army, my grandfather bought him a farm for $10 per acre. Dad moved an old house onto the place and started a family. I inherited a portion of the place. My bro and I added land to the place at $500 and $670 an acre. Did we ever think it would be valued at $1,000,000? Nope but even today, that isn't an unreasonable amount. 5 years ago it would have been worth 50% more.

And that brings up issue 2. In the estate above I mentioned, the land values have continued to fall. The highest priced parcel of land was priced due to speculation near the subject. The speculators are gone. The land value has fell perhaps nearly 50% and a big chunk of that since the death of the individual in 08....see the problem? They paid taxes on HIGH land prices and ultimately may be literally buying their own farm back. At 45% rate, $1,000,000 worth of land (08 prices) is $450,000 tax. and now the land is worth about $650,000....what will it be worth in another 3 or 4 years if this continues?

The estate tax has been imposed several times in our history but it was a low tax that applied only to the wealthiest individuals... Today it applies to $5 million estates, half what it applied to in the 1920s when it only applied to estates over $10 million and was 25%. In other words, from perhaps a few dozen folks paying it, it has gone to thousands of Americans...33,000 by one estimate.

Yes, if you knew exactly when and how to avoid that tax, then it becomes a sort of "voluntary" tax. It generates a negliable amount of money in the scheme of things and prays mostly upon people who suddenly inherited money late in life, widows who know little about estate planning, and the less educated or the stubbon like elderly farmers who think that since they are poor (earning little money annually), the estate tax won't apply to them. Trust me. I know how stubbon old men are. We (my cousin and I) couldn't convince our fathers to deal with the mineral rights they owned in Colorado. When they both passed away, we did convince our mothers that it needed done, and we got it done less than 18 months before my mother passed away. Without it we would have had to run probate on 3 generations of individuals and have an appraisal performed. As is, when I return to room temperature, the minerals transfer seamlessly to other members of the partnership.
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The accumulation of wealth in a smaller and smaller segment of the US population is robbing the future of the American Dream and is one of the biggest threats to the American way of life.

That's funny, because this man's small American Dream was to make a living as a RE appraiser, but that future has been destroyed by GSE's, HUD, Andrew Cuomo, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, etc. FYI-the single biggest source of litigation against appraisers today? The FDIC. But not one wealthy private individual has directly hurt my business or personal life in any way. Weird.

What is it called when the few control the flow of capital and entry into a market?

Oh, that's an easy one. It's called the Federal Reserve and intrusive/excessive state and federal regulations.

Besides, taxes, in general, create jobs. Think of all the unemployed folks if we had a flat tax and no other taxes.

Solid point. We should be taxed at 100% and we would have the most prosperous nation on the planet.

BTW-where in the Constitution does it obligate us to return our wealth to the government??? It is government for the people, not people for the government. With all due respect, I AM NOT A SERF-if you want to be one, send them a check.
NWolvie...your logic is so dead on...:new_snipersmilie:
Typically, the millionaires, er billionaire's, on wall street like to bring up that small town farmer when it comes to the estate tax. Could the gov't not make an exception for the farms? I would think then all objectors would be fine with it, since the farms are the only situation they seem to bring up.

Doesn't the estate tax only kick in at over 3 or 5 million?
That's funny, because this man's small American Dream was to make a living as a RE appraiser, but that future has been destroyed by GSE's, HUD, Andrew Cuomo, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, etc. FYI-the single biggest source of litigation against appraisers today? The FDIC. But not one wealthy private individual has directly hurt my business or personal life in any way. Weird.

Take a look at where the money goes and those who are driving these people to do what they do. The government is set up as a distraction by the puppet master. You are going for the bait. So the drive to ording through AMCs has not hurt your business? Good for you. Do you really think that Cuomo did that on his own.

Oh, that's an easy one. It's called the Federal Reserve and intrusive/excessive state and federal regulations. Take a look at those behind the Fed and who screams the loudest when audits of the fed are proposed. Oligopoly is the word I was thinking of

Solid point. We should be taxed at 100% and we would have the most prosperous nation on the planet.My point was meant as sarcastic referring to allof the jobs in the taqx sector, CPA, Bookkeepers, IRS, etc. that would disappear of we had a flat tax.

BTW-where in the Constitution does it obligate us to return our wealth to the government??? It is government for the people, not people for the government. With all due respect, I AM NOT A SERF-if you want to be one, send them a check.

It is private interests that drove a serf based society. The faux governments, royalty, were the vessels, not the cause.

Keep on believing that the government is the real problem. The gov is now the puppet. One day you will wake up to America 2.0....on sale now at Wal-mart.
It is private interests that drove a serf based society. The faux governments, royalty, were the vessels, not the cause.
The Princes were the government and the ones who collected taxes from the serfs to protect the serfs from the other Princes who collected taxes from their serfs to wage war against each other and therefore justify taxing the serfs to protect them... The serfs never attacked anyone without the prod of the Prince's Army.

The estate tax is punitive. Cleaver people like Bill Gates will never pay a dimes' worth of estate tax. Some old farmer in Iowa who doesn't even realize his farm and all his machinery will add up to $5 million are the only ones who will pay estate taxes. The whole amount is miniscule in the needs of the government but millions will be spent by heirs settling the estates, paying the CPAs and appraisers, and the tax...if they can afford it.

So, back in the 20s the estate tax was 25% of $5 million.. Lets just adjust for inflation using gold as the standard to measure inflation. Gold = $18 in the 20s
and is now $1300 an oz. So that is about $360,000,000. I propose we put a 100% tax on all estates over $360,000,000 and you cannot "protect " it from taxation by use of LLCs, gifting, or incorporation. Problem solved. Like in the 20s, not over a dozen people will be affected each year.
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