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WinTotal Silver membership expiring

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Wm. Hattaway

Senior Member
Mar 18, 2006
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
My Silver membership in WinTotal is set to expire. If I don't renew the $349 I understand that I will lose the ability to download the location map and distance of the comparables to the subject. Does anyone use a map program that can work around this problem? Also does anyone know what other problems I may have if I don't renew?
My Silver membership in WinTotal is set to expire. If I don't renew the $349 I understand that I will lose the ability to download the location map and distance of the comparables to the subject. Does anyone use a map program that can work around this problem? Also does anyone know what other problems I may have if I don't renew?
I do agree, the $349 for this membership level is way too much. I have used Street Atlas USA 2009, it works.
If you don’t renew than you will not have their technical support. This is not a big problem if you have basic computer skills as their software is very good (based no my experience with Athena and Widows XP, no technical issues in years).
However, if any changes are made to any forms or new forms are out then you will not have them.
Thank you AlwaysLearning for the suggestion. I would have thought there would be more appraisers with independent mapping programs that did not rely on Alamode. I will look into Street Maps.
You will loose the Vault along with any updated forms that come out. Of ocurse, you will also loose any service help that you need. All in all, $349 is fairly cheap.
You also get to look up flood maps and census tracts, they won't be automatically filled out anymore.
I think given the current state of the profession with many appraisers struggling with expenses alaMode should rethink their service contracts.

Keep the current Silver membership as it is but add the following. Have one reasonable fee for updates, maps and new forms. Tech support for problems would not be included. If you want tech support then it's pay as you go.
You will loose the Vault along with any updated forms that come out. Of ocurse, you will also loose any service help that you need. All in all, $349 is fairly cheap.

I am having problems delivering reports. I have had the membership for years, with good support response. But now with a recent problem the response from their support department is "I don't know what to tell you". So when my renewal comes up I guess I have to tell them "I don't know" what am I paying for besides updates.

My Silver membership in WinTotal is set to expire. If I don't renew the $349 I understand that I will lose the ability to download the location map and distance of the comparables to the subject. Does anyone use a map program that can work around this problem? Also does anyone know what other problems I may have if I don't renew?

You can barter with them...............I just renewed at $299

I have not had a membership in a few years. It is a total ripoff. I use Delorme maps and manually add map to report. It takes a few seconds longer, big deal! I did find that if you do not select download map or floodmap that it still would get the flood map number and census tract without a membership. As for Vault, check out Adrive.com, they offer 50 gigs of free online storage.
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