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WinTOTAL *.ZAP file Question???

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Sooner Mike

Freshman Member
Feb 10, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Does anyone know how to open a .zap file in WinTOTAL if it was not downloaded from the mail server in the EDI Center? I am confined to a dial-up connection, and when I send and receive mail through WinTOTAL, it sometimes takes 5-10 minutes just to access the mail server, then it starts to download (don't get me started on that, that's another 30-45 minutes :roll: ). I have started sending my EDI's with Outlook, and they begin sending right away, but I have not found a way to receive my EDI's with Outlook and get them back into WinTOTAL. Any help is appreciated.
I assume that you recieve these .zap files as attatchments.

Just double click on the attatchment icon, and you will get a screen that asks if you want to open the file, or to save the file.

Check save, you will then get a browse option that allows you to choose where to save the .zap file.

Go to the drive that holds your win2000 files (usually C) click on 'win2000', then on 'Files', then on a file called 'Requests'.

Save the attatchment in this 'requests' file.

Then go to your wintotal file cabinent and open the 'New Requests' file. Your report should be there.

If it does not show up there, go to the folder header in file cabinent, and that will give you an option to refresh reports list. Click on that, and it should bring your new report name to the New requests file.

Good luck.
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