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WinTotal Silver membership expiring

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I have not had a membership in a few years. It is a total ripoff. I use Delorme maps and manually add map to report. It takes a few seconds longer, big deal! I did find that if you do not select download map or floodmap that it still would get the flood map number and census tract without a membership. As for Vault, check out Adrive.com, they offer 50 gigs of free online storage.
Thanks Chris, I have been just looking for off-site storage
I use Street Atlas USA for my narrative reports and you can make flood maps through FEMA, also census information can be found through the census bureau. I have kept the subscription with Alamode so far but with doing less residential I am not sure if I will renew unless the new Armstrong service contract will be cheaper.
I am having problems delivering reports. I have had the membership for years, with good support response. But now with a recent problem the response from their support department is "I don't know what to tell you". So when my renewal comes up I guess I have to tell them "I don't know" what am I paying for besides updates.

I've been with aLaMode since the DOS days, and what you describe is 1000% contrary to what I have experienced. I've posted questions on the Yahoo Groups WinTotal forum, and had tech support call ME more than once. I have never had a problem not resolved in many, many years, even if it took a senior tech working with me for hours, and it turned out to be something I did. Look at it this way: ACI is charging $300 just for the 1004MC form. aLaMode GAVE it to its users. Free. Yes, I'm a loyal user, and always will be. Flame away.
I've had my e-mail blocked in the past. It had nothing to do with AlaMode. Any e-mail sent to certain addresses were blocked. Unless aLaMode has open relays, with allow spammers to use their SMTP server to send their junk, it is not their fault and there is nothing they can do to fix it at their end. All they can do is call the originator of the balcklist and complain and threaten. The company that can't receive the e-mail is in a better position to complain about it and get it fixed.
I am having problems delivering reports. I have had the membership for years, with good support response. But now with a recent problem the response from their support department is "I don't know what to tell you". So when my renewal comes up I guess I have to tell them "I don't know" what am I paying for besides updates.
I have also experienced similar responses from a la mode. I have had more than one unresolved issue and the response was "I don't know what to tell you". Their technical support used to be better. In recent years, the technical support that answers the phone seems more like tech support in training as problems get typically referred to senior tech support. I have the silver membership so the tech experience might be different for gold or platinum members. Sorry, platinum partners not platinum members. The silver membership has its own tech support phone number so it is possible the platinum partners do get better (senior) service.
And it is so naïve that some feel that the software updates and other extras are free. There is no free lunch not with alamode. The “free” flood and census data is only for WinTOTAL Enterprise and not free for WinTOTAL Professional users. One can get this data really for free and in seconds from the following:

FEMA Map Service Center -


And yes you get “free” Vault with your membership for as many as 20 reports (If you want more you have to pay extra). Big deal, nowadays off-site data storage is cheap or for free. Per Chris Hauck “As for Vault, check out Adrive.com, they offer 50 gigs of free online storage”
So if you need free off-site data storage go to


The WinTOTAL is good software and I have not had any need for a tech support in the past 2 years. But the silver membership is overpriced.
I have the same history with them and agree with you. It's a good service IMO.
Yea, I call about twice a year for tech support...but when I need it, I need it...when files magically go away and cant be recovered, cant open certain reports..its well worth it to not lose a client because you cant figure out tech stuff..all in all $350 is like "insurance" for something going wrong and leaving you hosed. imho.
I use Street Atlas USA .

How do you figure the distance between the subject and the comps. I know that it can be entered into Google maps but that takes time. Is there a faster way?
I've been with aLaMode since the DOS days, and what you describe is 1000% contrary to what I have experienced. I've posted questions on the Yahoo Groups WinTotal forum, and had tech support call ME more than once. I have never had a problem not resolved in many, many years, even if it took a senior tech working with me for hours, and it turned out to be something I did. Look at it this way: ACI is charging $300 just for the 1004MC form. aLaMode GAVE it to its users. Free. Yes, I'm a loyal user, and always will be. Flame away.

Tom, I don't come on here to get in cat fights. I responded about my experience with them last week. The problem still exist today. Someone called a few days ago to try and sell me something. I told them like I am telling you "I don't know, because when I needed support last week that was the answer I got". Well within minutes I get a call back saying my experience would be given to the head of support. Low and behold the same tech that did not know called me back. He could not solve the problem. I have a feeling that due to the economy the support department is not as strong as they use to be. By the way I also had almode since the dos days after using United Systems for a few years. I am glad you support alamode, but I still say that what you are paying for is the updates. Since, I only go on this board a few times a week only to give helpful responses there is no need in requesting flames from me. :peace:
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