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Suspensions And Revocations

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This email provides a listing of appraisers against whom a State appraiser regulatory agency has taken disciplinary action. Appraisers named on this listing are not eligible to perform appraisals in connection with Federally related transactions unless and until their credentials with the State have been reinstated. Information in this listing is based on the most recent data submitted by the State appraiser regulatory agencies.

ST License # Last Name First Name Middle Name Action Effective Expiration
-- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
NV A.0002283-CR HEPPE JEANNE P Suspension 04/30/2013 --
OH 2007003367 Brown Latreece L Suspension 04/08/2013 06/07/2013
If you have questions regarding data contained on this notification, you may email Denise Graves, Deputy Executive Director at denise@ASC.gov.
This email provides a listing of appraisers against whom a State appraiser regulatory agency has taken disciplinary action. Appraisers named on this listing are not eligible to perform appraisals in connection with Federally related transactions unless and until their credentials with the State have been reinstated. Information in this listing is based on the most recent data submitted by the State appraiser regulatory agencies.

DISCIPLINE NOTICES FROM Saturday, May 04, 2013
ST License # Last Name First Name Middle Name Action Effective Expiration
-- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
IL 556.001806 OLSZEWSKI KEVIN T Suspension 10/21/2011 --
If you have questions regarding data contained on this notification, you may email Denise Graves, Deputy Executive Director at denise@ASC.gov.
This email provides a listing of appraisers against whom a State appraiser regulatory agency has taken disciplinary action. Appraisers named on this listing are not eligible to perform appraisals in connection with Federally related transactions unless and until their credentials with the State have been reinstated. Information in this listing is based on the most recent data submitted by the State appraiser regulatory agencies.

ST License # Last Name First Name Middle Name Action Effective Expiration
-- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
HI CRA 0001010 HARRIS STEVEN D Suspension 05/01/2013 04/30/2014
OK 12740CRA Clevenger Michael C Suspension 05/06/2013 05/06/2014
OK 11129CGA Huffman Joseph M Suspension 05/06/2013 01/31/2015
If you have questions regarding data contained on this notification, you may email Denise Graves, Deputy Executive Director at denise@ASC.gov.
New Jersey

This email provides a listing of appraisers against whom a State appraiser regulatory agency has taken disciplinary action. Appraisers named on this listing are not eligible to perform appraisals in connection with Federally related transactions unless and until their credentials with the State have been reinstated. Information in this listing is based on the most recent data submitted by the State appraiser regulatory agencies.

DISCIPLINE NOTICES FROM Wednesday, May 08, 2013
ST License # Last Name First Name Middle Name Action Effective Expiration
-- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
NJ 42RA00401500 Altieri Thomas N Suspension 02/20/2013 --
NJ 42RA00429200 Dixon Shawn R Suspension 01/01/2013 01/23/2015
NJ 42RC00033500 DOUGHTY PETER J Suspension 02/20/2013 --
NJ 42RC00160300 HOFFER DAVID Suspension 03/13/2013 --
NJ 42RC00212100 Lewandowski Michael T Suspension 02/20/2013 --
NJ 42RA00381800 Miller Michael L Suspension 02/27/2013 --
NJ 42RC00199500 Nguyen John V Suspension 03/18/2013 --
NJ 42RA00428000 Shea Robert T Suspension 02/20/2013 --
NJ 42RC00227300 Sobkiw Dennis B Suspension 02/20/2013 --
NJ 42RC00014800 Thompson Jr Russell W Suspension 02/27/2013 --

NJ 42RG00203200 Cortes Davey Voluntary S 03/20/2013 --
NJ 42RA00015800 Pearce Veronica Voluntary S 12/18/2012 --
NJ 42RA00405600 Varghese John C Voluntary S 12/18/2012 --
If you have questions regarding data contained on this notification, you may email Denise Graves, Deputy Executive Director at denise@ASC.gov.
This email provides a listing of appraisers against whom a State appraiser regulatory agency has taken disciplinary action. Appraisers named on this listing are not eligible to perform appraisals in connection with Federally related transactions unless and until their credentials with the State have been reinstated. Information in this listing is based on the most recent data submitted by the State appraiser regulatory agencies.

ST License # Last Name First Name Middle Name Action Effective Expiration
-- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
NY 46000008211 CURRE LUCIEN P Suspension 05/10/2013 --

If you have questions regarding data contained on this notification, you may email Denise Graves, Deputy Executive Director at denise@ASC.gov.
ST License # Last Name First Name Middle Name Action Effective Expiration
-- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
NY 46000008211 CURRE LUCIEN P Suspension 05/10/2013 --

So, who from Rochester can tell us what happened with this guy? Check out the reviews/comments about him on this site:


And if he's really as bad as they say, why suspended and not revoked?

This email provides a listing of appraisers against whom a State appraiser regulatory agency has taken disciplinary action. Appraisers named on this listing are not eligible to perform appraisals in connection with Federally related transactions unless and until their credentials with the State have been reinstated. Information in this listing is based on the most recent data submitted by the State appraiser regulatory agencies.

DISCIPLINE NOTICES FROM Thursday, June 13, 2013
ST License # Last Name First Name Middle Name Action Effective Expiration
-- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
OK 11922CRA Singley James R Revocation 06/12/2013 --
If you have questions regarding data contained on this notification, you may email Denise Graves, Deputy Executive Director at denise@ASC.gov.
Mike do you keep these data points on spreadsheets and that sort of thing?

It would be interesting to see some simple analysis on volumes of suspensions over time.

Like quarterly, bi yearly, or yearly, going 5 years back. That sort of thing.

It just seems like last year there were twice as many suspendees or revokees than I'm seeing this year. Just an off hand observation.

Then above that, would be additionally interesting comparisons to total appraiser counts, like the ones George posted a while back for his state. Ultimately cumulating in a ratio of appraisers who get kicked vs those who leave or retire.
This email provides a listing of appraisers against whom a State appraiser regulatory agency has taken disciplinary action. Appraisers named on this listing are not eligible to perform appraisals in connection with Federally related transactions unless and until their credentials with the State have been reinstated. Information in this listing is based on the most recent data submitted by the State appraiser regulatory agencies.

ST License # Last Name First Name Middle Name Action Effective Expiration
-- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
MO 2004018174 Meyerring Karri L Revocation 06/20/2013 --
If you have questions regarding data contained on this notification, you may email Denise Graves, Deputy Executive Director at denise@ASC.gov.
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