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Ucdp= Unnecesary Revisions?

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Freshman Member
Jun 4, 2012
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Rhode Island
Lately I have been getting a ton of revisions for UCDP warnings. Not Errors, Warnings. 95% of them are not relevant to the appraisal. I have seen," confirm comps used in report are best available" (already confirmed in report) or a multitude of other ridiculous warnings. I have noticed more reviewers just sending over a "revision" with the UCDP warnings report and not actually read the report to determine an actual revision. Anyone else seen this being excessive lately? Am I getting annoyed for no reason? Can anyone suggest a generic comment that can be added to a report to satisfy the UCDP Warnings that should be overridden by the reviewer?
Nope. Reviewers actually read the report and overwrite it.
UCDP only reads UAD cells and not narrative So questions like "confirm the best comps were used" came from some level-1 reviewer who has nothing better to do.
The client is not allowed to forward that to the appraiser. Fannie sends that to the client to verify only. I suggest you teach your client/AMC
The client is not allowed to forward that to the appraiser. Fannie sends that to the client to verify only. I suggest you teach your client/AMC

They are suppose to have been taught already by FNMA........:dancefool: see where that got em
They are suppose to have been taught already by FNMA........:dancefool: see where that got em
My response to that kind of stip that OP received would be: FNMA requires that the lender is NOT to send the UCDP findings to the appraiser. The UCDP warnings are a tool to be used by the client to verify against the actual report because UCDP can not read comments and typically do not warrant any further commentary. Therefore, kindly have quality control reviewer actually read and review the report. If, after review, any issues are found on my report, then I will address them. If you want me to review my own appraisal, then send an order for an appraisal review. My fee for review is $600. Thank you and have a nice day.
My response to that kind of stip that OP received would be: FNMA requires that the lender is NOT to send the UCDP findings to the appraiser. The UCDP warnings are a tool to be used by the client to verify against the actual report because UCDP can not read comments and typically do not warrant any further commentary. Therefore, kindly have quality control reviewer actually read and review the report. If, after review, any issues are found on my report, then I will address them. If you want me to review my own appraisal, then send an order for an appraisal review. My fee for review is $600. Thank you and have a nice day.

They don't care. You can't change a clients operating procedure or protocol. It is just easier to drop the client.
Find the clients that have a process you can work with and then try to get as many orders from them as possible.
They don't care. You can't change a clients operating procedure or protocol. It is just easier to drop the client.
I've never had a problem doing it like that. They get my response and it's a done deal. They know I won't give them more and I don't care if they don't care...so we're even ;) They can drop me if they don't like to play by the rules.
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