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Black couple settle lawsuit as home value at $500k below real price

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I wonder if Miller's legal team thought of that....
I also wonder if Miller's legal team received a copy of appraisal #2....
Bias can/does work both ways....
The pendulum swings....
No I mean if you didn't rob a bank before but the news claimed you did.
That's slander and I would fight to prove my innocence. Which, per the article I posted, appears not to be the case with Miller. She kowtowed to the Austin's whom have government backing. Miller must have been real sick of it all...
Someone else already mentioned this earlier in the thread, so I'm just repeating their observation:

Trials are expensive, the concern for politically motivated jury nullification could be a very real possibility in this region, and an E&O provider is going to have a say in what they will and won't pay for WRT trial vs settlement. If I had an E&O provider telling me that they weren't going to pay unless I took the settlement - with those humiliating conditions - then my options for rejecting it are very few. If any.
Lot if "ifs" in this thread....
Unless Miller is prohibited from speaking out....
Why not tell her side of the story....
What does she have to lose....

E/O doesn't pay for discrimination suits....
I'm sure the E/O insurance company pulled the plug, both sides could see that this was going to cost another $500K, so someone said, "Will you take $100K?" Austin's had the gov't picking up their bills and they knew they didn't have a strong hand. Miller was at the mercy of her E/O. The virtue signalling 'news' articles write themselves.

I had a inverse condemnation case on a water pipe easement. I had indicated to my attorney that the value was coming in at about $10K and I was 99% complete with the report. He called me the next day and said they had settled for $75K....thank you for your work, send us a bill. The city's insurance company didn't want to go to trial. Insurance company just gets to add the cost to next years policy for municipal liability insurance that you and I all get to pay.
That's slander and I would fight to prove my innocence. Which, per the article I posted, appears not to be the case with Miller. She kowtowed to the Austin's whom have government backing. Miller must have been real sick of it all...
Lawsuit drained Miller's money account. Public opinion going against her. If the settlement was for $1 and she had to agree to the "minor" penalties to make the case go away, it was most practical financial solution. Miller was probably planning to retire and hang up her license. And she can change her name and move on.
Lot if "ifs" in this thread....
Unless Miller is prohibited from speaking out....
Why not tell her side of the story....
What does she have to lose....

E/O doesn't pay for discrimination suits....
Right? The Austin's are in a 76 minute documentary "Our America: Lowballed".

We can start a GoFundMe and have our own documentary.

What do you think the title should be?

"Under the Bus" The dismantling of the real estate appraisal industry.
I'm sure the E/O insurance company pulled the plug, both sides could see that this was going to cost another $500K, so someone said, "Will you take $100K?" Austin's had the gov't picking up their bills and they knew they didn't have a strong hand. Miller was at the mercy of her E/O. The virtue signalling 'news' articles write themselves.

I had a inverse condemnation case on a water pipe easement. I had indicated to my attorney that the value was coming in at about $10K and I was 99% complete with the report. He called me the next day and said they had settled for $75K....thank you for your work, send us a bill. The city's insurance company didn't want to go to trial. Insurance company just gets to add the cost to next years policy for municipal liability insurance that you and I all get to pay.
You realize the American legal system. It works in favor of attorneys and they know they can "extort" defendants to settle cases. Many attorneys rather not go all the way to trial to prove their case in front of a jury. I'm still waiting for a rich defendant of an ADA lawsuit who doesn't care about his/her attorney fees and go all the way to Supreme Court to get ADA as it is written as unconstitutional.
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