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  1. RCA

    RCA Method Paper Published

    I finally published a paper on the RCA method on Zenodo/CERN. Some may find it interesting. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14787917 I appreciate reporting errors or omissions. Notes: 1. This is an official publication for the EU CERN international repository, which will be stored as long...
  2. RCA

    X Grok-2 Is Available Through X-Premium

    If you have X Premium, you can access the Grok-2 interface under "Grok" in the side window. It is reported by some software engineers to now be the best for generating code, - although Claude is better in some respects. It is both reported by others, advertised by X and in my view as well...
  3. RCA

    AI LLM's are rumored to have hit a wall - progress is slowing rather drastically:

    AI LLM’s have hit a wall, progress has slowed. The problem is that AI lacks a “real understanding of the reality underlying models.” https://tinyurl.com/Ilya-Sutskever Yes, what I have been saying. If you put a data mining product like MARS (or anything else that comes under the umbrage of...
  4. RCA

    Random Forests

    Here is a nice and easy to understand presentation on Random Forest by Killian Weinberger, a Professor at Cornell and expert on Deep Learning and Regression Trees. Unlike MARS, which produces value models, Random Forests is considered a "Black Box" method in the context of machine learning...
  5. RCA

    Appraisal Model Adjustment Standard (AMAS)

    This is to announce the creation of an open source project for a new Appraisal Model Adjustment Standard (AMAS) located on Github.com: https://github.com/wcraytor/AMAS. I am in contact (email exchange and the like) with the creators and developers of both systems, i.e. statistians at Salford...
  6. RCA

    R/earth Package Review: The Free Vs The $15,000 Product

    I finally got around to looking at the latest version of Stephen Milborrows R Language "earth" package. Last time I used it about 12 years ago it was terrible. Now I can say that it's pretty comparable to the $15,000 product MARS from Salford Systems. Here is the link...
  7. RCA

    First Residential Appraisal In 10 Years

    For those who are getting back into appraisal to earn some extra income in retirement (I am now 71), I just finished my first residential appraisal since when I quit back in 2008. It was a retrospective estate appraisal of an average home in El Granada, CA. I originally estimated two weeks...
  8. RCA

    Appraisal Statistics: Mars

    For anybody out there who happens to have a license for MARS based on the old subscription fee of $360/year, you are in luck. The price now goes up effectively to $15,000/year for new licenses- which require buying the whole Salford-Sytesms SPM package. T -This has something to do with...
  9. RCA

    Appraisal Statistics

    Isn't about time we have a separate forum group for "Appraisal Statistics"? 1. And, it is time for me to say something about Appraisal Statistics as taught by the Appraisal Institute and others. The discipline has done a lot of harm to the profession!. The typical book in appraisal...
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