Here's a fun little time waster it's 2 minute question/answer sessions and you guess if you're speaking to AI or a human at the end. No registration needed.
Sorry, I don't know how to post hyperlinks here if anyone has a tip I'd love it.
"save" "enslave" it's all the same for that bunch. They believe themselves to be intrinsically smarter than all but a handful of other super-wealthy. They are doing it all for your good...slave.A different perspective on AI
Regardless of who is elected, with every man, woman, and child in the nation owing $110,000 EACH on the national debt, there is no fix. Bandaids won't work. Neither a boom nor a depression will cure the issue. And Canada and USA shares one thing. Both are sick of their leader. But because the problems created under them are insolvable, the next president/Prime Minister will be a short term representative of their party. The party as a whole will fail and the voters will turn back to the incompetent boobs that got us in this pickle. Democrats are now simply socialists off the old Axis powers model. And Republicans are perfectly capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of Victory and falling upon their own sword. Welcome to the real world. The need for a new centerist party was never greater but it is impossible.