There are a wide variety of persons that object...Pamela Crowley won't sign she "the former?"
You're making the erroneous assumption that your path is the only way to enlightenment. I don't need a petition and I don't need a union. I don't like AMCs so I don't work for them. If everyone took my course of action AMCs would change their ways or go out of business.
I have no idea who YOUR clients are, but if your clients seek loans, and the loans are going through the mortgage brokerage community, and YOU are not on the approved list with the AMC of the day, then YOU will soon be out of business.
If everyone took your course of action, whatever that may be, I have no idea, but most residential appraisers I know will be sweeping floors at the Walmart, as the majority of residential work IS now dominated by the big AMC's. I truthfully am not certain, but a decade ago I don't think they even existed. Most every major bank and lender in the country has one or works with an AMC today.
Again for the record, I perform commercial appraisal work, and do not even work for AMC's. I believe I put out two quotes for them in the past year.
I started this petition at the behest of residential appraisers I personally know who are being driven out of business by them.
Please see Ray Millers and other comments for those who had signed on my original draft of the petition. Their comments are quite different than the rhetoric from the basher crowd I have had to repond to here.
See (Agenda section - petitions)
You are very ignorant regarding this subject matter! That is truthfully not put forth to you as an insult. Read wikipedia for the definition of ignorance, please (it deals with lack of knowledge on a particular subject matter). Stupid may be construed as a term of insult, and have no intent of calling you bad names as that is not the objective here. Ignorance is not a state of bliss, as some have so deemed it to be.
I have not heard from Pam for a couple of weeks. She has her own fish to fry dealing with the Mortgage Fraud watch list, and I applaud her efforts whether she does or does not sign the petition.