AI is over estimated for taking over human tasks , per books I am reading on the subject. It can interact and assist humans - AI stand-alone has more to contribute to other fields such as science and medicine or big corporate use than in fields like appraising.
The recent changes of appraisers not inspecting are not tech-driven; they are profit-driven to strip income from appraisers and send it to the AMC, who are the vast majority of companies that perform the inspection for a PDR for Waiver or for a hybrid. The only tech used is a floorplan app like Cubi casa, which an appraiser can use as well,
I doubt in 5 years, AI can do an appraisal substitute with comp selection, etc., and appraisers in the field and in appraisals will be used. But if the GSEs are gone or if their main mission is reducing reliance on appraisers even more, then we might see more use of nonappraisers - the amount of money at stake in a loan is so great. idk what the reason is for reducing human input would be.
That said, for many reasons, there is an appraiser oversupply, particularly in res license, but that could extend more to the commercial side as well, which has a heavy reliance on an income approach and might have more room for AI to expand into .