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Alamode is Holding me Hostage

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How did you deliver to original client? Attachment should still be somewhere. Also agree with DW about confidentiality issues.
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I have a pdf of every report I've created. Though narrative now, when I had Clickforms ditto, NCV ditto - I still have those pdf's. Easy to find with the explorer file function. I believe CF created a folder just for the pdfs.
you can share many things with your friend that are not considered "confidential". The whole report is a stretch.

Ask your client if they will do that for your friend.

Your client can do about whatever they want with the report.

They are your client. Your friend is not your client. Understand?
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You would make serious USPAP violation by sharing the whole report with your friend. Understand?
BUT you shoudl have your PDF Copies somewhere on your computer you can open and still have copies of those.
I understand what you are saying but that Wintotal file when you look at it is a Zip file, I can open the Zap file and see everything in it, a PDF of the report, all the pictures, and any addenda yet when you try to open it it is locked with a password that Total will not provide. They came up with this easy work file system for us to use and it is nice in concept but it is wrong to not allow us to access OUR files after we leave the field. I understand that after every report I can create a PDF and store that file but why should we when we have a work file that does this and already has everything in it, that is what the software feature was intended to due.
Try and open that Zap file in any Zip type program, it will show you all of the files in that Zap file, even that PDF of the report that the OP is seeking but it will not let you open any of them.
"This works great if after every report is signed you print the report, but why do this when Total provides a PDF of every report in the work file?"

"Try and open that Zap file in any Zip type program, it will show you all of the files in that Zap file, even that PDF of the report that the OP is seeking but it will not let you open any of them."

Answered your own question.

I know it doesn't help much now, but seriously, create and save your own PDF with your work file.
Hope you do not need to retrieve anything for a board or court action during this time.
For peace of mind, I would find some way to pay the subscription fee, especially if this is just a temporary exit from appraising.
I know it doesn't help much now, but seriously, create and save your own PDF with your work file.
I get that, and wish that I did take the time to do that with every report but when Total does that for us in their work file it seems counterintuitive to create a 2nd PDF and store that file when everything is already in the Total work file. More of a pet peeve than anything, this has pissed me off since they started Total and its work file. That Zap has everything in it that I created, no different than a Word document, I am not asking them to let me open and work on a file after I have left my subscription stop but rather I only want to see the items that are my files and I would not even need their software to view those files.

I understand it is their software and they make the rules but I have been a paying customer for over 20 years and all I want is access to my files if I need them after I shut down the shop. Now as I get closer to that date I will have to stop using their work file and start printing those PDF files.
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