Don't know about you but I've used Total since, I think, around 1989. If you read my post, you'll will notice I said that I have both: Wintotal and Clickforms. I don't "bash" as you say, unless I have experience with stuff. I do, as in all my posts, recommend to others based on my experience. They can take it or leave it.
I "sell" time. I complete reports much faster in Clickforms. I want fast and simple. I make more money using Clickforms. If George downloaded the Clickforms demo, he'd be up and running in no time because there's no learning curve to master.
I personally don't need all the stuff that Total has, and there I think is the downfall of WinTotal. To me, Total has moved from the small appraisal shop to the large shop and in the process, complicated and slowed things up. If I were Dave Biggers, I'd develop a stripped down version of Total for the one-man shop. But that's already here and it's Clickforms. Do I need internet mapping? No. Too slow. I take out my county map, put the Sony Mavica on close focus (the scanner is too slow so I don't use it for maps), shoot the map, drop it in as a jpg into Clickforms, use the freeform text feature to locate the subject and comps and I'm done in about 1 minute locating my subject and comps. Yep, the Sony Mavica is a damn fantastic scanner. That's why I use it-just like Clickforms. It's fast.
Why does a la mode have the largest base of appraisers?? Well, DOS Total was a great program and had lots of users. There was nothing faster to complete a URAR. See, I don't "bash" Total. In fact, I knew several VA appraisers that were still using it until last year when EDI became mandatory. My guess is the DOS base just migrated over to WinTotal. I sure did. Then, I shopped around for speed to complete reports. Clickforms has it.
If you are going to start "fresh" with a new program, I'd give Clickforms a look. I guess you didn't like my humor about using the WinTotal CD as a frisbee? Sorry about that.
As far as being " a source of the problem" with Total. I don't think so. I am computer literate, more so than most. All of the appraisers I network with use Clickforms and purchased it based on my experience with it and my recommendations. I helped 3 VA appraisers become EDI capable last year. Two bought Clickforms as I recommended. One upgraded to WinTotal from DOS-too cheap to spend the bucks for Clickforms. The Clickforms guys were off and running with very little help from me. One never called me for help at all-he's in his 60's. The other was 73 years old and most of his problems are learning how to use Windows, not Clickforms. The WinTotal guy, well he missed the VA EDI ready deadline and still calls for help every once in awhile.
As far as my experience with computers... Let's say I go way back to using a TRS-80 Model 3 with Scripsit wordprocessing and a Diablo Daisywheel printer to fill-out URAR's. When I got tired of doing the math by hand with Scripsit, and spreadsheet programs with word processing capabilities became availabe, I developed a template in BoxCalc to do the math on a URAR and fill it in. All before DOS Total and Clickforms were developed. At 48, I've been around and I've experienced lots of appraisal programs.