In late January, one of my appraisers (St Cert., 25 years experience appraising in the same County) completed an appraisal on a condo a few blocks from his home. The SP was $89.5K.
His appraisal was air tight, 3 recent, identical sales from the same complex, one in the same building. A Th sale from a competing complex. He came in at $83.5K.
I called the lender and said the report was just sent to him and it came in at $83.5K. I told the lender that his buyer/client might want to try to re-negotiate the contract, etc. The lender thanked me and said he'd call his client.
Two weeks went by. Today, I received the following e-mail from the lender:
The appraisal we ordered from you for this property came in lower than the asking price for the property.
The purchase price was $89,500 and your appraisal came in at $83,500.
Needless to say, the client had to get another appraisal which came in at the asking price.
At this time the client is complaining that she had to pay for 2 appraisals and she feels that Appraisal Alliance should have been able to get the full price as the other appraisal company did. She said she doesn't want to pay for an appraisal that she can't use.
I told her I would bring this to your attention and see what you could do to accommodate her request.
I can send you a copy of her new appraisal if you want.
Please let me know what you can do."
"Casper" (why don't you use your real name?),
If you're a lender, please note that this is what we have to face every day from your fellow lenders.
BTW, I had my office manager reply to the lender's post that I was out, but I wanted to review the other appraisal and would he please send it to me.
I want that report. Skippy had to ignore the sales in the complex and go far away to find sales to use to to hit the number. The State will here about this.
Interesting point, do we quietly turn them in to get them out of our market? Or, do we tell the client who they're dealing with and that we're going to turn them in to the State?
BTW, again,
AFTER I receive the other report, I will say "you engaged me, you pay me, small claims court, etc."
Mike Seward
Appraisal Alliance, Inc.
Apollo beach, USA.............. (FL)
I'll have another one tomorrow....................LO calls (today) after we see the property and says "don't send the report if it comes in below $190K."