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Appraisal Institute Controversy

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the unethical stakeholders hate nothing more then the independent appraiser...ask revaa or taf :ROFLMAO:

Why so much hate by the unethical stakeholders towards the independent appraiser?
Well, why would any residential appraiser want to send money to an organization that is contributing to the dumbing down of the entire profession with PAREA? You were never a a member of AI, it costs lots of time and money for that SRA designation. Frankly, it's a mess. I'm glad I cut my losses years ago. No transparency. ASA and IAAO at least stick to their bylaws and know that they wouldn't exist without ALL the members.
I dumped my SRA. Felt so good too. It made no sense for me to pay over 1k each year on dues. I mean for what? I already demonstrated my skills and earned the designation. I don't have to pay a fee each year to keep my MBA so to do so for the SRA was asinine. AI literally did nothing for me as a residential appraiser so why would I submit to the money grab. hahaha those dues were more than my realtor, MLS, ima, dues and fees combined. AI would probably cite some obscure Capitol Hill happening as justification for my dues. Guess that didn't work as things have been getting worse year-over-year since I became an appraiser. I wish I could have the AI give me the money back I spent for a week in a hotel when I was getting the SRA.
Apparently there is a movement to reinstate Cindy that is percolating in the background. Not sure if it has legs.
And I heard there is a movement to call for a vote of no confidence in the board. Not sure if either can actually be accomplished in the governance structure of the AI.

For the most part there's a lot of "They can't do that!" and when the answer is "they can and they did", then it's "Well I demand answers!" then it's "they don't have to answer to you", going on. We'll see how long national can circle the wagons and if anyone can get through.
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Apparently there is a movement to reinstate Cindy that is percolating in the background. Not sure if it has legs.

I’d ask for double the pay if I were her . She has what’s known as leverage :rof:
Just read a post on another forum by our old moderator. Pretty much explained all the circumstances. The AI always treated res appraisers as stepchildren, but I didn't realize they recently threw the SRAs under the bus.
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